Chapter 5 : Cleaning and Cooking

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Shadow POV

Shade , Sonic and I saw Amy getting plates from one of the cabinets in the kitchen. She was standing on top of a ladder and it looks like she's losing her balance. Amy was about to fall and hit the ground until Sonic ran to her and grabbed the maid just in time and Shade caught all the fallen plates just in time. Amy was blushing of how Sonic is carrying  her.

"T-thank you S-sonic."

"No problem Amy." Sonic put Amy down back to the ground.

Shade gave Amy back her plates."Thank you Shade."

"Chao chao."

"So is there anything you want me to help with gentlemen?"

"We were just about to ask you the same question. My dad is forcing us to."

"Awesome. I'd like to see if you have talent. You could start with cleaning up the plates or setting up the table in the dining room. Think you candle it Sonic?"

"Of course I can. I'll do my best."

Sonic started with setting up the table in the dining room using his speed and he got it done in 15 seconds. Then he cleaned the plates in 10 seconds and the plates are squeaky clean with no stain in sight. Then he ran back to the others.

"Wow Sonic! You're faster than the speed of sound! I see why many people like you."

"Thanks Amy."

Then suddenly there was an explosion coming from the kitchen. When we ran in , we found Knuckles covered in smoke and the food was in fire!

"Knuckles did you messed up in cooking again?" Amy asked putting her hands on her hips with a disappointing look on her face.

"It's not my fault! This dish is hard to make even for a professional cook like me!"

"It doesn't look like your professional judging from the ruined food."

"Shut up Shadow! And now the king is going to be angry at me AGAIN!" Knuckles used his strength to punch through a wall. "Oh man this is the fourth time I done that this month and now he's gonna be even more angry!"

Sonic than ran to Knuckles to chill him out. "Please calm down Knuckles. Maybe I could give it a try on making the dish for you. I'm a pretty good cook myself and you could take a break."

"Alright I guess you could take a shot. The cookbook is right over there."

Sonic ran to the cookbook where Knuckles is pointing and looked at the ingredients. Then he try to found them all over the kitchen and put them in the cutting...table....thingy. Sorry I'm not a chef person.He took a knife and swiftly cut them without cutting his own fingers. He put the ingredients in a pot and mixed them together and turned on the stove.

"Be careful Sonic this is the part when the dish always explode on my face."

"Don't worry Knuckles I'll be fine. Leave it to me."

"If you say so....."

15mins later

The dish was ready to be served and it didn't explode this time thanks to Sonic. Knuckles was surprised that didn't happened.

"Wow you actually did it. I'm kinda jealous! I guess you are a great cook after all."

"Thanks Knuckles. What about you guys taste it to make sure it's good enough for the king?"

"Sure!" Me and the others said.


We each got one peice from the dish with a spoon and when we tasted it we looked amazed. The dish was the best one I ever tasted ever and it kinda beats Knucles' cooking.

"It tastes so amazing! When did you become this good at cooking?"

"Well Amy , I get lessons from dad since I want to become a master chef when I grow up but that dream wouldn't come true now that I'm a slave."

"Aww that's so awful. But I think you're a master chef already! Thanks for helping me out Sonic!"

"You're welcome Knuckles."

"Well now all the food is ready I'm gonna tell everybody that the food is ready. You guys can put the food on the cart." Knuckles went to just that.

"Wait what about the hole in wall?"

Knuckles didn't hear that so we just start putting the meals on the cart.

Here's the end of the chapter. Thank you guys SO much for giving me already 50+ views on this story. You guys are two kind! I hope we can get to 100.
Bye :-)

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