Chapter 7 : The Pain of Being a Slave

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Sonic's POV

Next day

I opened my eyes and sat up as I yawned and stretched my arms. I looked around to see my master and his chao aren't awake yet. When I looked down to see the blanket I got from Shadow , I smiled. Even though I'm just a slave he still treats me like I'm a free person. He's so kind-hearted and he will break the rules to care for others. Maybe he will love me as well if he's like that. But that's gonna be harder than just giving me a blanket. I folded my blanket and put it in the closet. Then I got near Shadow and gently shook his arm to wake him up. He opened his beautiful ruby eyes then he turned his head to him.

"Good morning master."

"Morning Sonic."

Shade opened his eyes and stretched his small arms.

"Morning Shade." We both said.

"Chao chao." He smiled at us both as Shadow softly pet his head.

Then suddenly Amy came rushing through the door yelled as she  fell down.

*sighs* " Morning Amy why did came and fell through my bedroom floor?"

"So sorry Shadow the king  wants me to tell you that he wants you and Sonic and Shade to his throne room after you guys eat your breakfast.

"Alright thanks Amy."

"No problem good luck with the king you two." She closed the door behind her.

"Okay let's go you two."

"Yes master."

"Chao chao."

We got to the bathroom and we took turns of taking a shower then we go downstairs to eat our breakfast. Knuckles waved at us and we waved at him back as we sit down at the table in the dining room. Me and Shadow ate oatmeal while Shade ate his usual chao fruits. After we're done we go to the Mephiles' throne room.

"Good morning father."

"Good morning Mephiles."

"Chao chao."

We all bowed respectfully.

"Good morning you three."

"What do you want to talk about dad?"

"Well sorry but Sonic has to be whipped and bathe in salt water."

"WHAT! Why? He had done nothing wrong. He was perfect on his first day."

"Yes I know but like I said he's a slave and he can't just go on without being treated like one. And since you're too soft I'll do it for you."

"But you can't just-"

I put an hand on his shoulder. He looked at me sadly and I smiled at him.

"Don't worry master. I'm used to the pain. You don't have to cover for me."

"But Sonic you helped Tails , Amy and Knuckles do their jobs and you were better than him. You also made the most delicious food anybody ever tasted. You don't deserve to be beaten and stinged!"

"I know it seems unfair but that's the way it has to be."

"Chao chao."

"I'll be fine Shade."

"Alright that's enough you three. Sonic let's go."

I walked with Mephiles to where I'm gonna be beaten. I looked back to see Shadow and Shade still feels sorry for me.

"Shadow.......Shade." I thought as me and the king are out of the throne room.

2 minutes later :

We're now going to the basement of the castle. The hallways looks a little dim since there's torches instead of lightbulbs. There was nobody here except the two of us. And the hallways looks like it doesn't been cleaned that much. We got in front of a big brown door. Mephiles opened it and I can see various of weapons and a lot of chains made especially for a slave like me.

"Okay Sonic go underneath the chains so I can put them on you."

"Yes sir. Um your majesty shpuld I take out my uniform so it doesn't get damaged?"

"No it's fine. We got a lot of maid uniforms of the color you're wearing."


I got between the two chains and Mephiles cuffed the chains on my wrists than takes out a whip from a rack. He then started hitting me with the whip. I tried my best to choke my screams and tears of pain. It hurts so much. More blood is starting to come out as he continued everywhere. I didn't really show much pain since I'm used to it. I've been beaten ever since I was 5 years old. After a few minutes Mephiles stopped. All over my body is covered in marks from being whipped and even my eyrs are bleeding. My breathing was weak since I'm full of pain. My maid uniform is covered in blood and it's wrecked. The king undid my chains and I could barely stand.

"Alright let's go to one of the bathrooms in the castle so I can bathe you in salt water."

Mephiles picked me up bridal style out of the room to the castle.


Alright this chapter is done. I just want to thank you guys a lot for giving me 140+ views on my story. I didn't know how many people actually liked my stories.
Like , vote , comment. CE out. Bye!!!:-)


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