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 Giggling and the sound of heels and expensive leather shoes could be heard against the floors of the hallways at Hogwarts. For tonight, was the Yule Ball. Girls were with their dates, some socializing until the ball had begun, other getting it on in the room of requirement or simply just going out to the Black Lake. People were not messing around when it came to the Yule Ball, that much was clear. 

But that was not the case in the boys dorms in the Gryffindor common room. For the best friends known as the Marauders were dancing and laughing, drinking some Fire Whiskey to get them going for the night, even Remus. Sirius was smoking and James was downing shots of Fire Whiskey. Remus had taken a couple but soon said no to anymore, seeing as he was getting a bit tipsy. Peter was fixing his tie, a little tipsy as well, and he was laughing his ass off at nothing. 

"So," James exclaimed, causing the laughter to die a little as he downed one more shot of alcohol, straightening his tie and suit. "What's happening tonight, gentlemen?" James smirked, looking at Peter and Sirius. 

"What do you mean?" Peter chucked, a little more drunk than before. 

"I mean like are we gonna get some details on you and Ava-" James started, shaking his shoulders a bit in a joking way. 

"Oh, come on! She's not even my girlfriend, yet." Peter smiled, straightening his jacket. 

"Yet, you say!" James laughed, falling onto the bed and the rest of them chuckled as well. 

James made whooping noises but instantly faded when he heard the door creak and his head shot up to meet his date. 

"Are you all drunk!? I swear-" Lily pointed a finger but her body was engulfed by James' arms as he lifted her off the ground, pecking her nose and smiling. 

"My, my Lily-pad. You are looking absolutely breathtaking, tonight." James smirked, earning groans from the rest of the boys. 

Lily smiled at his complement and James was keeping his cool, but internally screaming like a little girl inside at the fact that Lily Evans had smiled, genuinely, at something he said. 

"Why thank you, Mr. Potter." Lily giggled, pecking his nose back, having her be dropped from his arms onto her feet. She wanted him to let her go, and the only way for her to do that was to play his own game. 

"Ava is almost ready, Peter. She just need to fix her hair a bit." Lily smiled at the tipsy boy as she walked over to him, fixing his tie a bit. 

Peter smiled, thinking of Ava. He wondered what her dress looked like. He knew she was going to be beautiful no matter what she wore, but he had to wonder. 

"Merlin, how long can a woman take." James snickered, turning to Sirius who also snickered a bit. 

Lily smacked his arm. "Ow!" James rubbed his arm as his lower lip came out and he pouted. 

"Don't pout or you won't dance with me, tonight." Lily smirked, knowing that would put him in his place. 

James immediately sobered up from his pouty state, not his drunken one just yet, but close enough. 

"Come on, let's wait downstairs." Lily smiled, truly excited as they all walked down the stairs and into the common room, plopping down on the couches. 

James threw an arm around Lily's shoulder and smiled, happy he had his crush as his date. 

Peter leaned his head back on the sofa and opened his mouth to let out a sigh but his isgh was replaced by a cough because a laughing Sirius had put his cigarette in his mouth, leading him to take a drag, at least not one he was expecting. 

"Really!?" Peter coughed, slapping Sirius on his arm, leading Sirius to laugh even more. 

Though the laughing stopped abruptly when Ava white came down the stairs, a wide smile on her face. 

"Fuck's sake." Peter muttered, earning a snicker from Sirius. 

"Hello boys." Ava smiled, keeping her eyes on Peter who looked absolutely handsome in his suit and tie. 

"Y-you look stunning, Ava." Peter smiled, getting up to kiss her hand, which she leaned out to him, still smiling. 

"Alright enough with this lovey dovey shit, let's go." James said, getting up while taking Lily with him. 

"You're one to talk, Prongs." Peter said, smiling at James who scoffed and the turned back to Ava, winking as he lead her out the door. 


Sound of laughing and talking was heard throughout the Great Hall. To be honest, Ava was a bit angry that the Rita Skeeter was there, her little notebook right beside her, jotting down all the "juicy" gossip Hogwarts had to offer. Though, it didn't stop her from dancing and having fun with her friends and Peter. 

"Dance with me?" Peter asked, his hand outstretched. 

"And risk my reputation?" Ava smiled jokingly and gestured toward Rita before taking his hand in hers, leading him to the dance floor. 

Peter smiled as he twirled her around to face him, his hand going to her waist, dangerously low. She lied her head on his chest and they began slow dancing to the song that came on. A couple of other pairs had come to dance, but not many, leaving them both for everyone to see. Not that they cared, anyway. 

"I really meant it when I said you looked stunning, Ava." Peter said as she smiled into his neck. 

She looked up at him and into his eyes, searching for any hint of him lying. But she found no evidence of him lying, only purity and truth. 

She smiled and so did he. Peter leaned down to kiss her and she leaned up to meet his lips with hers. Their lips locked in a sense of passion. It was not like a kiss they had shared before. No, this was a kiss that was addicting, leaving her wanting more as she continued to kiss him. Not that he had a problem with that. But, all good things come to an end right? Well, in this case it was true because a flash of a white light invaded their privacy and they both pulled away from their kiss to turn their heads in the direction of Rita Skeeter and a camera that had obviously flashed a photo of their kiss. 

"Oh, I'm sorry." Rita smirked. "Did I ruin something?"

Peter sighed and started to walk away with Ava but a hand pulled at his sleeve, causing him to stumble backward. 

"Do you mind telling me about your little girlfriend?" Rita smiled deviously. "Miss. White, I presume." Rita let go of Peter's sleeve and turned to look at Ava, smiling like the Cheshire Cat. 

"You would be correct, Skeeter." Ava seethed, not wanting to talk to the wretched woman. 

Rita ignored her sass and continued to push buttons. "So, Miss. White, is he your boyfriend?" 

Ava gave no answer and instead turned to look at Peter, pleading for him to lead her out of there. 

Peter gestured toward the door and as they turned to walk away, Rita said something she would regret.

"Didn't you have an older brother, Miss. White." Ava stopped abruptly, anger bubbling inside of her. "What would he think if he knew that you'd been sleeping around? Hm?" Rita smirked knowing she hit a nerve. But, not exactly the one she aimed to hit. 

"Alright, that's fucking enough-" Peter started but was absolutely shocked when Ava turned around and slapped Rita right across the face. Gasps and mumbles had increased, seeing as Ava White herself had just slapped Rita Skeeter. 

Rita wasn't expecting that since she let out a gasp and backed away, like a dog with its tail between it's legs. 

Angry tears brimmed Ava's eyes, remembering her brother, but no one could have even touched her, seeing as she was already running out the door of the Great Hall, her dress following elegantly behind. 

Cinnamon~ A Peter Pettigrew Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now