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 It had been a couple days since the fight with the boys and Ava, so the lot of them weren't talking to each other. Lily and Ava were fine, Lily would ask how Ava was doing and she would respond, 'I'm fine'. But, we all knew that wasn't really true. Ava had missed talking to Peter, she had missed hanging around Sirius, talking to James, studying with Remus, but she knew that they had to earn her trust back. 

Ava looked up at the ceiling as she lied on her bed. 'What the hell am I gonna do now?' She though, taking in a deep breath. Ava got up off her bead and decided she need to get dressed for the day, seeing as it was around six in the morning. Putting on her uniform, she decided she would put on some light makeup to hide the obvious change in her looks, seeing as she hadn't slept for days. After putting on her makeup and brushing out her hair, putting in in a low bun, she grabbed her school books and headed out of the dorms. Luckily, there was no one in the common room because most of everyone was either in the great hall, or sleeping still. 

Walking through the halls, a hand tapped her shoulder. Ava turned around and saw Severus Snape looking rather sheepish. 

"Hi Severus." Ava greeted him, giving a small smile, in which he returned. 

"Hey, I was just wanting to ask how you were doing?" Severus asked. "You know, after what happened the other day?" His slight smile disappeared, remembering the incident not but a couple of days ago. 

Ava gave a small smile and answered, "Yeah, I guess I'm alright." Ava looked down but then back up again, catching Snape's eye. "But, why do they tease you like that? I mean, its really embarrassing to you, isn't it?" Ava looked confused and sad at the same time. 

Well, I guess they tease me because I'm always studying for the exams or they tease me for being alone." Severus started, "But, I guess I got used to it after a while." Severus laughed a little, causing Ava to let out a small snicker as well. 

"Well, I guess I'll see you in class? I uh just wanted to see how you were holding up." Severus rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure." Ava smiled at the Slytherin boy.

Severus smiled and walked away, trying to hide his smile. Though, Ava saw it. 

What she hadn't noticed was that while she was talking to Severus, Peter Pettigrew was standing in the corner, clenching his jaw so hard that he could've swore he heard something crack. His hard gaze on her softened every once in a while when he saw her smile but that quickly faded when he saw who was making her smile so light, but yet so bright.(Cheesy, I know right) Peter was never the type of man to get jealous but the way his foster parents had been acting lately, did not make his mood any better. 

A/N: I'm just gonna put this here. So, earlier on in the book, we learned that Peter grew up in the foster system and he told Ava he didn't have parents. He does have foster parents, though he does not consider them parental figures in his life. On with the story!!

Ava walked down the halls and into the Great Hall. The three Marauders heads shot up and looked at her, but Ava gave no glance in their direction. Instead, she went to sit with Lily on the farther end of the table. 

"You know you can't ignore them forever, right?" Lily frowned, nodding her head in the direction of James, Sirius and Remus, who all had hurt expressions on their face. 

"They haven't been themselves at all lately." Marlene explained. "Even Peter, he has been refusing to hang out with the others for a while now." she frowned. 

"Well, if they want to be forgiven, they will all stop being childish and come talk to me, not wait for me to come to them. They were in the wrong doing that, not me." Ava explained, looking at the two girls. 

"Yeah, we know." Lily said and both girls nodded and kept eating. 


While walking to potions, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She expected it to be Severus but what she found instead were three boys who looked like puppies that had lost their owner. Ava sighed as waved her hand as a signal for them to start talking. 

"Ava we are so so so so sorry! We shouldn't have done what we did!" James exclaimed, causing a couple people to stare at the group, not that she minded, at least they were apologizing. 

"Yeah, we're sorry!" Remus frowned, pouting at the sight of Ava. 

"Especially me..." Sirius trailed off. Ava looked at him and a small smile tugged the corners of her lips. "I never should have grabbed you like that. It was wrong and I'm really sorry, love." Sirius finished and frowned, looking down at the floor beneath him. 

Ava smiled at the nickname given by Sirius and was about to forgive them but someone else decided to speak up. 

"I'm sorry too." Peter had come up from behind the boys with a sad look on his face, and eyes drooping to the ground. 

Ava grabbed Peter's hand, "It's okay. Just do not ever do something like that again!" 

The four boys nodded in agreement and Ava threw her arms around Peter first. Peter didn't expect it, so he almost fell but caught himself in the process, smiling like an idiot. 

"Wow, none for us?" Sirius put a hand over his chest and faked a hurt expression. 

Ava laughed and threw her arms around him, too. The boys laughed as they got their fair share of hugs and kisses on the cheek. 

"You guys feel like skipping?" James said mischievously, treading backward, picking up his pace every step or so. 

Ava sighed and signaled for them to go on, in which they happily ran for the lake. Though, Peter decided to stay by Ava. 

"I have a question?" Peter asked Ava as they walked toward the lake. 

Ava hummed in response, a little eager to hear what he has to say. 

"This might dim the mood, but while I was taking a cig, I noticed you talking to Snape and I was wondering if like, you liked him or not." Peter asked, a little ashamed as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

Ava laughed and and smiled, "What!?"

"I'm serious, love." Peter smiled, nudging her shoulder. 

"No, that is Sirius." Ava pointed in the direction of Sirius who was running away from James for a plethora of reasons. 

Peter rolled his eyes and laughed. "Really?"

"No, I don't like Snape like that. I don't know the bloke well enough, but even if I did, I don't think my feeling would change. You are the only one, really" Ava answered, still smiling as she walked to the pillar, leaning her head on it. 

"You know you honestly are the most wonderful person I've ever met, Ava White." Peter said, smiling, before he cupped Ava's face and brought his lips to hers. 

Ava was a surprised but melted into the kiss right away, giving a breathy moan. Peter moved his hands from her face, lips still moving together, and glided his hands to her waist. They both stayed like that for a while before they decided to pull apart, leaving them almost breathless. 

"I don't regret that at all, White." Peter smirked as he reconnected their lips once more before she could say anything else. His hands roamed her body, but got no further than her waist, due to the fact that Ava's hands moved them up a little further from time to time. 

"Sealing the day with a kiss, are we?" James yelled, breathless and he grunted as a result of being thrown to the ground, playfully by Sirius.  

"Yep!" Peter disconnected his and Ava's lips for a split second to respond but immediately reconnected them once more. In which, Ava obliged, moving her lips in sync with his.  

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