Explanation for last chapter

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Okay, so I understand the ending to last chapter was really bad and I feel like I didn't help people understand what was really happening.

Okay, so I felt like Lucy was trying to get away from a guy who kept poking at her and bugging her so she went to the only other people who could have possibly helped beside her sister, Ava.

So when she comes up to Sirius, she thinks of the first thing that comes to her mind and that is for him to kiss her, which is what happens.

I also want to address when I wrote about Sirius thinking about Lucy that way, I didn't mean like him being obsessed with her, I would have thought that Sirius being described as a "player" or a "ladies man" would have made him a bit more likely to think about things like that.

I do not support grooming or pedophelia(don't know if I spelled that right) etc.

I would see where people would come from when they say that the kiss was not consensual and it caught Sirius off guard, but to be honest, I'm not writing from my POV or what I think the characters would have been like, I'm writing with how they would have been described in other fics I've read etc. Also, I don't think Sirius minded the kiss at all, seeing as he "melted into the kiss".

I'm sorry if that ending triggered anyone or to anyone who thought it was gross but like I said before, I don't support grooming, pedophelia, etc.

Also, I was thinking about how I thought that Lucy would have done that but afterwards, Sirius and Lucy would have talked things out and become friends, but when Sirius leaves Hogwarts, that makes Lucy feel a bit lonely but it also gave her time to think about her feelings the older she got. So, when she became 17 or 18, I was thinking she would notice her feelings and her and Sirius would have already explained the "kiss" to Ava and eventually, something real would happen when they got older. 

Sorry for anyone that misunderstood, it was my fault that I didn't totally explain. I hope everyone can make peace about this and move on :)

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