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People say that love is the strongest feeling in the world, and in some cases that may be true. Though some try and work it out and yet, they may succeed. Others will give up and decide that it's not worth it. Then there are those who don't know what to to because the feeling of heartbreak and treachery have impaled their heart like a spear made of broken glass. 

'Words have a bigger impact than actions.' At least, that's what people around the two lovers would say. But, sometimes actions can have a bigger impact. When people say heartbreak hurts, Ava never guessed it would feel like it had. But yet, she sat at the foot of her bed, the loud silence and a pregnant pause between the man she loved and herself. 

"What now?.." Peter broke the firm silence and decided saying something was worth while. 

"I don't know, Peter...I don't know." Ava felt goosebumps crawling on her skin and she shivered as if a ghost had walked right through her, even though one hadn't. 

"Do we tell them?" Peter's voice cracked. He was holding back from crying. 

Ava let out a heavy sigh and rubbed her tired face before her soft hands lay rest on her face while her hair fell at her shoulders elegantly, making her look angelic even at a time when she felt most hopeless. 

"I-" Peter tried to get words out, but failed miserably as a tear slid down his cheek. 

"Peter.." Ava mumbled, walking over to Peter and pushing down on his shoulders, making him sit down on the bed. 

His hands wrapped around waist and he let the remaining tears fall from his tired and bloodshot eyes. The reason why Peter was crying was partly because he was scared, yes. But, the main reason was because he scared-no he was absolutely horrified of losing Ava because of what happened. He knew what she was thinking and it pained him to no end. He wished she wouldn't do what he thought she would, and what he though she was going to do was break up with him. 

Ava was a kind soul, nonetheless. But she also knew her values and what was good for her. Yet, she could not seem to find the reason why she was so keen to stay with Peter even after what he was assigned to do and what she knew what would happen if he didn't comply with 'You-Know-Who's' orders. Death

"What am I gonna do? I-I can't hurt them, they're my best friends.." Peter was trembling and he felt weaker than a hollow bone. He felt as if he could break at any moment. 

"We'll find a way, Peter. I promise..." Ava hummed, resting her hands at Peter's shoulders, signaling him to look up. "Let's sleep, yeah?" Ava whispered. 

Peter nodded and got up from his position on the empty bed in the dormitory. Peter's shoulders were slumped and he had bags under his eyes. If a person were to look at him, they probably wouldn't know who he was. But, Ava knew better. She knew him, the real him. She knew he didn't want to do this, but she knew he had to. Though, they would find a way. 

Soon enough, the two lovers found themselves in their pajamas and under the cold sheets in Ava's bed. Their pillows were cold against their hot frames. Even though they had been in the cold outside, they had found themselves trying not to argue, no matter how hard it was. The heated place in their bodies spread like wildfire. 

"Can I hold you?" Peter whispered against her ear, causing shivers to go down her spine as he spoke. 

Ava gave a nod before Peter had his arms hugged tightly around her waist. Ava took in her surroundings and took in the smells. Peter's cologne that still smelt of mint and a hint of cinnamon still lingered and made her senses heighten. 

They both took in long and deep breaths, trying to keep themselves composed. Sure, it was a bit uncomfortable with the aura that hung around the two, but it wasn't like either of them cared. They had each other and that was all that mattered. 

Soon, both of them got so lost in each others presence that they swiftly fell asleep with each other in their arms. 


"Do any of you know where Peter and Ava went?" Sirius asked as James and Remus talked in the halls.

"No." They both answered in unison, giving one another smirks. "But I'm pretty sure Ava said something to me and you about going to the Black Lake with Peter tonight. Remus looked at Sirius and gave a shrug of his shoulders. 

Sirius hummed as they all made their way back to the common room. The sound of James and Remus talking could be heard all throughout Hogwarts, not that any of them cared. Sirius had a bit of a grim expression on his face and didn't know what to do about his sticky situation about Lucy and how he was gonna explain it to Ava. But, not that it mattered right? It was just a silly little kiss to get away from some boy, right? Those questions surrounded his head for the remainder of the day, or at least the more he though about her. 

Sirius Black had become self-conscious for once in his life and did not know what to do. He felt as if he was used, in which maybe he was. But, as he walked the halls of Hogwarts and confirmed the password to the Gryffindor common room, he found himself drifting away from those thoughts before heading up to the boys dorms, quickly followed by James and Remus. All of the boys were too tired to do or say anything about Peter so they got on their pajamas and slid under their covers, having a quick conversation, but suddenly cut it off when James didn't answer and when all the boys looked over, James was dead asleep. 

In the end, some things come to an end and bad things make their way to cloud the better things life has to offer.

A/N: "Never regret anything because one time it was exactly was you wanted." -Marilyn Monroe.

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