A Beautiful Nightmare

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This chapter is gonna be interesting and exciting (at least it's for me). Also, it contains one of my favourite scenes. I really can't actually express that scene but I will try. See, if you can guess that scene. And not to mention that the next chapter is amazing, so amazing that I assure that each person reading that chapter would love it if he or she has ever read Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus! Only one person in this world, other than me,  knows that chapter and that's the same person who asked me to start this book.

Jason's POV

The heavy rain has changed into a drizzle. I open the lid a little. I see a whole world underground. There is a ladder for descending and a couple of men in black deep in conversation. Strange. I close it. Is there any possibility of her being there? I got her pendant here. She has to be in there. I have come so far, after fighting with my friends, for nothing. I will take the risk. 

I open the lid again, just enough to peek into. I wait for the men to go from the entrance. No sooner the path becomes clear than I jump and descend through the ladder. I am surrounded by eery darkness. I look around, examining the place. 

"Mate, we need a guard near that  Special Room! Sir is in his room but he might come to see, " A muscular middle-aged man wearing thick leather boots comes out of nowhere.

He patted my shoulder.

What is this Special Room? Who is this Sir? My eyes light up. Maybe these are exactly what I am thinking them to be. I nod to that guy and he turns to go. 

Now the problem is where is this room? How will I find out? I take the path opposite to that taken by the man.

But then, I hear footsteps coming towards me. I increase my pace, not to get caught.

"Wait! Wait or else I will shoot you!" He has a gun, how could I miss that? I am in the right place. I stop. 

"Why are you not wearing black? Who are you?" I am gone. Oh, Gods! Why did I forget my black jacket in the palace! 

I raise my hands in a surrender position. When he will come closer, I will snatch the gun from his hands. He is coming, I could feel his breath on my back, his eyes inspecting each part of my body.

Before I could do anything he speaks up. "Ah! You must be new to the group. They keep on sending newcomers. What is in that bag?" He smiles at me. I heave a sigh of relief.

"Nothing...Just my possessions."  

"So yeah which means that you don't know where you have to go? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I got it. I might look scary but you don't have to worry." I give him a fake smile. Who said I am afraid of him! 

"My name is Bill." He offers me his hand. 

"I am Jas- Jake!" I shake his hand.

"So Jake. Let me enlighten your path. Follow me." I do as he says. 

We come across a group of black men. Bill introduces me to them. They have handshakes, hugs and whatnot. I keep thinking about her. I am not even sure if she is here. 

I remember when I was small. Lupa used to give me puzzles and whenever I got confused, she always said, "Follow your instinct." Now, I am here, following my instincts. 

"Is he going to do the job?" Says one of the men.

"He is a goner!" Says the other, eyeing me pitifully.

"How hard a job can be," I say, courageously. If that job lets me stay here and figure out her location, then I will do it.

"You'll see, dude, " The other guy says.

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