The Final Test

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Jason's POV

First things first, Thalia, Annabeth and me are in my room with the door open, hiding behind the bed, door and My Future Queen's almirah (or whatever) respectively, waiting for someone. We have ensured that the corridor is empty to lure our target.

There she comes! We exchange glances, ready in our positions. She is dressed in a green gown, as usual, walking towards my desk where some papers are kept for display, according to our plan. No sooner than she reaches the spot that Annabeth jumps out of her place from behind the door with a handkerchief containing chloroform and within a few seconds, her work is done. 

First target. Achieved.

Time for the second one. We find her exactly at the place we expected her to be. In Piper's room. She is sitting by the bed with some files in her hand. She is astounded to see us and thus hides her precious possession behind her back.

"I...umm...was cleaning the room." She hesitates. She is sweating, profusely. 

"Well, I don't think so." Thalia steps closer to her. She knocks the girl on her head.

Second target. Accomplished.

Third, the last and most important one is awaiting.


I enter her room, closely followed by Annabeth and Thalia. She has her back towards me. Perfect. 

"Hey, you two are here. Now, have you done the work I had asked you to do? We have to send the information as fast as possible. We can't let those bunch of crooks, calling themselves Royalty, win." I glance at my partners, exchanging smirks.

"Come on, Johana and Andy, gimme the files," Khione demands. "Don't let my hard work of acting as a sidekick to that idiot Drew go in vain! And this stupid Selection, wearing these gowns..." 

I clear my throat, loudly. She turns to find me instead of her co-workers. 

"Seems like now those 'bunch of crooks' spilled water on your perfect plan." Annabeth crosses her arms across her chest.

Khione takes a few steps backwards, nervous. But before she could escape from the window, my two female warriors plunge at her like wild cats. 

The third target is attained! All three spies in our control.


"You don't even know how much big mistake you all have done!" Khione snarls at us. All three of them are tied together in jail while we have assembled here.

"Oh, please, you don't even know how much you will have to pay for doing such a grave act of intruding the castle!" Percy snaps. "And taking up a challenge with the Royals!"

"This Royal Family will come to its doom when Boss will set out for his ventures," Johana smirks.

"First, I will make sure that you come to your 'doom'!" Thalia slaps Andy, who moans.

"You all have two choices. First, let us leave and we will ask our Boss to let a few of you go." Khione pauses, dramatically. "Or, let the bloodshed began and see your people and children  die-"

"Don't you!" Nico interrupts but Will seizes his arm to stop him.

"No one is going to die." I declare and then, turn to face Khione. "Your fight is with me and not my family. And I will not let you hurt anyone of them."

"Calypso, open their ties," I tell her. All of them, including the three traitors, seem to be flummoxed. She hesitates yet reaches out to unfasten them. I see a small smile forming on the spies' faces.

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