All the Stars

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This video always makes me cry. And make me wonder why people have to leave your world, why the most special people in your life can't stay there forever. 

Jason's POV

"Annabeth, what are you saying..." I roll my eyes. How can this be the truth? This is not possible. I start sweating profusely. No, she can't...she would never.

"The blood, we found on the floor was of her-" Will says but I interrupt him.

"How can you be so sure? And how does it proves that she is...? It proves nothing!"

"Jason, the DNA reports from her father's blood and the blood we found there to confirm it. Here check this out." He passes me a piece of paper, his eyes not meeting mine. "Bloodloss is deadly. And the amount of blood we found...If the injured person does not get the necessary treatment in 24 hours of the incident, it can be fatal."

"That means you are not sure," I say, my head still lowered. "Maybe, they might have given her whatever care she needed, maybe she is fine. Maybe-"

"Jason, we can't rely on probabilities. And tell me, if they really cared for her, why did they stab her in the first place? They want you, they want to get to the throne. Understand, Jason. And for this, they are using her as a weapon and you are falling into their trap. She means nothing to them. They just want to quench their biggest desire." She puts her hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off. 

"She is not dead. She is not dead. She can't die," I say, quietly. I crippled the paper in my hands.

"People don't need your permission to die, Jason, " Nico says.

"I don't care. Malcolm, give me a copy of the map. I'll go and find her alone, without you all." I say, rising to my full height.

"Jason, you are not going anywhere. This is a deception-"

"Malcolm, I repeat I want a copy of the map. Now." He stands wide-eyed for a while after handing me the sheet. I rush for the door.

"So, you have made your mind, " Annabeth says in a painful voice. "You think we weren't hurt after listening to the news. You think we don't love her the same way you do. I am shameful to say that but how selfish you are!"

The words brought back tears in my eyes. But I didn't turn, I didn't stop. 


I change my clothes, disguising myself as a normal teenager. But then someone interrupts me. And this person is the only one whom you can think of when it comes to playing pranks and disturbing others.

"Now, what do you want?" I ask him, crossing my handing across my chest.

Leo brings out a black bag. "Umm...Though I can't come with you. I don't know whether she is alive or not. But if she is then I won't let go of this opportunity to help. This is my treasure, my bag of trickery and pranks. I want you to take it, " He says, smiling. 

"Thanks a lot, Leo. But I don't think I can take it, it is one of the most precious things in your life. How can you give your tricks-"

"I adored her as my sister and she is more important than anything in this world. And about granting my tricks, I know you won't have a clue of what Leo Valdez can be up to."


I step out of the castle only to be distracted by another person. I find a bench, open the map and try to figure out things. The map is very confusing and my mind is too fuzzy due to the events of the evening. It's giving me a severe headache.

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