The Announcement

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Jason's POV
I got ready for the council meeting. Today, I need to talk about something really important for my kingdom. So, I started towards the hall. I opened the grand doors to find the ministers in their respective seats. I walked towards the throne and sat there.

"I scheduled this meeting to discuss a topic of great essence. But first of all, tell me if anyone of you is hiding something from me about my kingdom? If yes, then step up. " I said. I looked around the hall. I saw ministers shifting tensely from their seats, definitely, there was something under the veil.

"I said if someone is hiding something, step up," I repeated and this time a little harshly.

Silence prevailed in the room. I decided to break the ice.

"Well then to your knowledge there is a village on the outskirts of the city. How many of you knew that? "

Lupa, my father's most trusted advisor stood up. " Prince Jason Grace, we all knew about this village but-"

"But you all wanted to ignore this fact and wanted to invest in more important things, right? The village is a land of poor people, what will they give us? Why spend on them? Rich, they will make wealth, and those poor people, let them die in their hunger. Right? Is that all you believe? " I said, remembering the pathetic conditions of my people and Piper...
No one dared to meet my eyes which I assumed were full of rage. Lupa sat down, without saying a word.

"I am not letting this happen. My kingdom is made up of my people, whether rich or poor, they are my priority and I can't afford them to suffer. "I said.

"You haven't become the king yet, so you can't impose anything you want now. The destitute and the weaker ones cannot give us anything, you have to understand." Ares said, red-eyed. He was the most disgusting person I have ever met. But my father took him as a war advisor.

To his this statement, I grunted my teeth. He was right. I don't have the crown yet, but I will have it soon. But before that, I have to agree to the Selection.

"And for becoming the king, you have to first conduct the selection. "Ares said it with a smirk. He knew it very well that I didn't like the idea of marrying. But for my people, I can do anything.

" The selection for the position of the Queen and my..... rightful wife will be starting two days from now. "I announce and with this, I stood up, without waiting for the acknowledgement stormed out of the hall.

I was late for my usual meeting with Piper. The only thought of her made me smile after all that had happened. So I got ready quickly and reached the place of appointment with my friend.

I looked around. The concert must have been over. There was no stage. I decided to walk around a little so that I could find her.

After strolling for a while, I found her. Before I could approach her, I stopped. She was talking to someone, a guy, a guy with curly black hair. As his back was towards me, I couldn't see his face but I noticed his long, nimble fingers that wouldn't stop, probably a restless guy. He told her something, a joke and she started laughing and smiling. She looked happy.
My stomach clenched. But why? I couldn't see her like that, she was happy that was not the problem but the problem was she was laughing with the boy instead of with me. I shrugged the thought out of my mind. What has happened to me?
I just turned and was going back to my palace, but then she called me with my name (Sparky!).

A smile slipped out from my lips. She noticed me. So, I whirled and ran toward her. As usual, she looked beautiful and cute with her braided hair and kaleidoscopic eyes, which make me forget everything.

"Hey, Sparky! You are late. Where were you? Anyways, you would be glad to meet him. He is-" She said but was cut off by someone who called her a few yards away.

I focused on the person to see the person to whom Piper was talking the other day at the Pharmacy, doctor maybe.

"I will just come in a minute." She walked toward the man.

Meanwhile, I adjusted my specs to see the boy who was making Piper laugh.
He was doing the same with me, I assumed with the way he looked at me. His eyes skimming each and every part of me. And then he smiled

I examined his features and then I realized... Babyish face, mischievous smile, restless mind, pointy ears and curly hair. He was...
"Leo!!! "
No sooner or said the words that he jumped on me, thankfully I managed not to fall. I hugged him tightly. Tears filling my eyes at the sight of my best friend.
"Jason, where were you, bro? "He said in my ears.

We pulled away. " Leo, don't call me Jason, here. Please. I will tell you everything. And call me-"

"Sparky, right? I heard the girl, bro. I was transferred again and this time to your kingdom. I saw you yesterday coming here. So I decided to find you. By the way, is she your girlfriend?" Leo asked.

"Oh come on, Leo. I can't bear to listen to this rubbish again. She is a really good friend. "I said, looking at her. She was talking to the doctor.

" Jase... I mean Sparky, stop acting like you don't know. The way you looked at her was full of love. Mr Sparky, you are in love? My bro is in love."He hugged me again.

" Leo stop acting like a child! Piper is just my friend. What were you doing with her anyway? " I snapped.

"Bro, you are jealous, right? " He smirked and annoyed me, his habit, but I don't know why I didn't get irritated. But I acted to prove him wrong. Maybe he is right, but... I shrugged the thought out.
"She just bumped into me and yeah you know girls can't stop being attracted to the Bad Boy Valdez. So we just started talking. But I think she was a little different from other girls. I like her as a sister. " Leo said.

I heaved a sign and we went toward Piper, who was on her own, deep in thought. I asked her what had happened. But instead of answering me, she pulled me into a tight embrace. My face grew red.

After a few seconds, she pulled away and said exuberantly, " You know what, he came here to inform me that they have got the necessary supply of medicines and will deliver it to my house by tomorrow morning. I am so happy, Sparky. I don't know how to express it. Thank you. I don't know why, but you have filled my life with colours. You are my best friend. Thank you." I got lost in her eyes for a second too long. She looked at her wristwatch and bade goodbye to Leo and me and disappeared.

After a few seconds, I looked at Leo and he was grinning at me. I know what he was going to say, he was going to irritate me my whole life with this but... I was glad to have my bestie back, to have Piper with me. But the only thought in my mind was The Selection.

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