Chasing a Dog

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The next day, you keep your promise to sleep in extra late for spite, and don't really get started on anything until after 12.

You mostly lounge around and get caught up on schoolwork, so it quite displeases you when s/n asks you to take them for a walk.

You don't want to, but they beg so much you agree, if not for any reason but to shut them up.

So you decide to just walk them around Paris for a while, mostly in a big loop.

Bit they apparently have a different idea, and go off chasing a dog.

You run after them, and when you finally catch up, scold then for running off.

"Hey, y/n!" You hear, before you can continue.

Looking around, you realize chasing s/n has brought you to Francois Dupont.

So you assume it's Adrien or one of the other kids you'd spent most of your time there with, but find it's actually Jean from yesterday.

"Oh, hey. I didn't know you went here." You say to him when he comes over.


"I was here last week for the homeschool exchange program. I hadn't planned on coming by today, but s/n here decided to take a detour on our walk." You say with a gesture to s/n.

Jean laughs, and mentions he doesn't remember seeing you.

"I mostly just did what I had to and got out."

"I get that. So I take it you're homeschooled?"


"How's that? Is it better than regular school?"

"I think it is, but I know Adrien doesn't, so I guess it just depends on who you ask."

"Adrien? As in Agreste?"

"Uh, yeah. He was my guide for the week."

S/n starts to say something, so you quickly bump them with your elbow.

Hopefully they remember nobody can know about your relationship with Adrien.

"Huh. I haven't talked to him much, but he seems nice."

"He was! Oh hey, there he is!" You say, spotting him around the entrance to the building with the usual trio.

Waving, you tell Jean that you're going to speak with them.

He bids you goodbye, with a inquiry about coming to the bookclub meeting.

"Yeah, probably!" You say, and go up the stairs with s/n trailing behind you.

"Hey, y/n! Did you miss us?" Alya teases when you arrive.

"Oh sure, though I did not miss the early waking. Or the schoolwork."

They laugh, and s/n looks at Adrien.

"Hey!" They say.

"Hi!" Adrien responds.

"So who's this little dude?" Nino asks.

"This is s/n, my brother/sister." You inform him.

"Sup lil bro/sis!" He says, sticking his hand out for a fist bump.

"Hi." S/n says, barely returning the gesture.

"What, is Adrien the only one who gets a happy hello?"

"Well I know him!" S/n says before you can stop them.

"What do you mean?" Alya asks.

"Oh, they've just seen him on tv or in a magazine I guess." You quickly improvise.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt