Stranger Danger

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⚠️ Warning, mentions of assault ⚠️

You woke up and immediately thought of Cat Noir actually visiting your house!

You smile at the thought and hope to see him again.

Since it's Saturday you decide that since you don't have any schoolwork, and it's a beautiful day you would go for a walk.

After getting dressed in a casual outfit you go downstairs and have f/b (favorite breakfast)

When you're finished eating you put on your shoes and go outside.

You walk for a few blocks stopping for pictures along the way, even though you've seen it all before.

As you're walking you run into your best friend.

"Hey!! What's up?" You say to them.

"Oh not much, just out for a stroll. You?" they reply.

"Same as you!" You say in return.

The two of you spend the rest of the day together, just hanging out and enjoying Paris, which for once didn't have an akuma attack.

Which is good, but a little sad for you since you wanted to see Cat Noir.

It starts getting dark and you and bff/n (best friend's name) decide to head to your houses.

"bye bff/n!" You say hugging them

"bye y/n! Text ya later!" they reply.

As you walk away you notice how dark it is.

What's even worse is that you and bff/n had walked to where there were a lot of alleyways, which you didn't like going down in the daytime, much less the night.

"You can do this y/n! It's just an alley! No big deal!" You give yourself a pep talk.

You start to head down an alley and make it out fine, just a few rustles, which you chalk up to rats or some other animal.

It's when you are on the way down the last alley when there's trouble.

A giant of a man comes out of the shadows and walks towards you.

You back away and start to turn around but it's too late.

He grabs you and pins you against the brick wall.

"P-please, don't h-hurt m-me! I-I was j-just w-walking home, I d-don't want a-any t-trouble!"

He sneers and looks you over.

"Hm. Too bad that's what I want, huh?"

You try to squirm away when he tries to touch you.

"Hey! Just be still and let me do what I want! Or else I'll have to force you!" he says evilly.

You get angry and try to punch him but he just dodges all your blows.

You then scream out as you're kicking at him.

The scream carries on the wind to a certain someone out for a walk, after having a fight with his father.

"Plagg! Did you hear that?! Someone just screamed, and it did not sound like they were just screaming for fun! We have to go help!"

"Ugh I guess we probably should. But first some cheese."

"Plagg! Someone's life could be in danger, and all you care about is cheese!" Adrien reprimands him.

"Well sorry, but I just love my cheese!"

"Whatever, Plagg, Claws Out!"

Once transformed, he ran towards where the scream came from.

When he gets there he sees something he wish he didn't.

It was his new friend y/n, a new friend he'd already started to care for very much.

Y/n's in trouble! I have to help her!

Just as he thinks that, he sees you gain a look of utter determination.

You scream out as you kick the giant man's crotch and he groans as he sinks to the ground.

You continue kicking him until Cat jumps down and approaches you.

"Y/n, y/n, calm down, its ok, you got him! Come on," he tries to comfort you.

"B-but-" you are cut off as Cat grabs you in a hug.

"I know, it's ok now though. You did a good job, lots of people couldn't have done that."



You smile and thank him for coming over, even if you ended up not needing his help.

He nods and says, "Well, I guess I get to walk you home again huh?" he says smiling.

You laugh and say "looks like. C'mon, or should you arrest him or something?"

"Oh yeah! I gotta call the police to come get him, so we have to stay until they get here."

He takes out his staff and goes to the phone setting, dialing the police.

A police car soon pulls up and an officer comes over and puts handcuffs on the man and questions you and Cat Noir.

After the officer gets all the information she needs, she leads the man to her car and takes him away.

"Well that was interesting." You say with sarcasm dripping from every word.

Cat Noir just laughs and starts walking toward the end of the alley, motioning for you to follow.

You do and as the two of you make the short trip to your house you talk about different things, just getting to know each other.

You soon arrive at your door and you look at Cat Noir and thank him for helping you.

"I didn't do much, except walk you home." he says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well it was nice having company anyway!" You say with a smile.

"Guess so," he says with a small chuckle.

"Well, goodnight Cat, I'll see you later!"

"Goodnight y/n, see ya!"

You wave and go inside and head to your room, and get ready for bed.

As you climb into bed you think about your day.

Cat Noir is really cool. I never really expected to see him very much after I got akumatized. But I'm glad I have.

You soon fall asleep with a smile on your face, and a warm feeling in your heart.

Hey y'all! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I wanted to add a little drama or something. This is the longest I've ever written! See y'all next week!

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant