Girls Night

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You go searching for bff/n during the party, and find her dancing with a different person than before.

"Bff/n! We need to talk!"

"Ok, can we just finish this song first?"


You go back over to the food, hoping to eat away your mixed emotions.

You spot Ladybug not too far away, somewhat glaring at you.

You gulp and look away, trying to find bff/n, but instead find Cat Noir.

He's not very far away from you, but he hasn't seen you.

Should I talk to him? You think.

But you don't need to think anymore because the same girl who interviewed Ladybug earlier comes up to him and they talk for a minute, then walk towards Ladybug.

You sigh, still unsure of everything.

Finally the song ends and bff/n finds you.

"Hey! So what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"We need a girls night. Now."

"What? Why? The party's still going strong, why do you wanna leave?"

"It's complicated, we can't talk about it here as well as needed."

"Ok, ok. You better be glad I love you!"

"I am!" You laugh at her.

She tells her most recent dance partner goodbye and gets his number, then the two of you leave and go to your house, since it's closest.

"Hey girls, did you have fun?" Your mom asks when you walk in.

"Oh yeah! It was great!" You quickly reply then rush to your room.

Luckily bff/n leaves clothes over so she doesn't have to stay in her party outfit.

After changing into something more comfortable, you both pile into the bed.

"Ok, now what is so important that we had to leave?" Bff/n asks.

"Whew, where do I start? Hm, well, I may like a really good friend, but I'm not sure."

"Eeekk!! Y/n!!" Bff/n squeals.

"So who is it?!" She asks.

"Wait! Don't tell me! Is ittt... Cat Noir?!" She's hit the nail on the head.

"Yeah..." You say and look down.

"I knew it! Wait, you don't look too happy about it?" Bff/n notices.

"I'm not, he's like my second best friend- next to you of course- and I don't know if he likes me..." You trail off.

"Listen y/n, I saw how you two looked while dancing. I think he likes you! Besides, who wouldn't like you?"

You smile at her and say, "Yeah, that's what Ladybug was saying, I gotta talk about that too, anyway, she said that she thinks Cat likes me, but that it probably isn't a good idea for us to date."

"Why not? Does she like him?"

"No, well, she says she doesn't. And Cat said she always turns him down if he asks her out or something."

"Hmm. Maybe he's moving on from her, and liking you?"

"Maybe... But he's always seemed to like her so much!"

"Well, he might like you more!?"

"I don't know, do you think so?"

"I already told you, yes!"

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now