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Adrien's POV

After school and fencing, I go over to Marinette's and knock on the door to her house above the bakery.

Her mom opens the door, letting me inside and calling for Marinette.

She comes down the stairs and invites me to her room.

I follow, and we sit at her desk, getting out what we've already done.

"How far have you gotten into the book?" I ask.

"A-almost halfway."

"Me too."

We write a little more on the report, then read a few chapters.

"So, you uh, have y-you heard anything about your mom?" Marinette asks suddenly, breaking the silence.

"Um no, nothing yet. Thanks for asking."

"Yeah, uh, I was just wondering, since you were uhm talking about her earlier."

"Oh right. I really didn't mean to snap so much at Alya, it's just, I really don't like being pressed with questions like that. Especially personal ones, because that's what the reporters are always doing. Now more than ever, since everything that happened with my father and all."

"Y-yeah, I can see why. I'll tell her to lay off the questions. She just gets really excited about her Ladyblog."

"No no! You don't need to do that, I'm sure she means no harm!"

"Of course not! I just wouldn't want her making you upset."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I say and smile.

She returns the gesture and we continue.

"You know, I'm sure Ladybug would've helped you get your mom, if she'd been asked." Marinette remarks.

"Yeah, she probably would, but I didn't know how to get to her. That's why it had to be Equina."

"Oh, right."

She looks somewhat sad, luckily her dad comes in, offering croissants.

Before she can object like last time, I quickly say I'd like some.

He hands us a few, and I happily take a bite.

"Mmmm. Your parents really are the best bakers in Paris!"

"Heh, thanks."

We finish the croissants as we continue working, before I decide it's time to leave, so they can have their dinner and I can feed Plagg.


It was a beautiful day out, so you'd decided to go for a walk.

You'd been having a nice time, until passing the well known cat lady's house. (Just go with it, idk 😂)

There, you'd tripped and fallen into some sort of garden.

"Ugh!" You grunt, then brush yourself off and continue walking.

Reaching the park, you sit and read until time to go back home for dinner.

After eating you go to your room and get all the school for the day knocked out, before retiring to the bed to hang out, since Cat Noir would probably be arriving soon, as it's almost ten o'clock.

Sure enough, you'd only read one more chapter when you heard a soft knock.

You get up and open the door, smiling when you see him.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ