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"Because I have a girlfriend."

Those five little words shook you to the core.

You had been expecting something of similar nature to the questions, but had not been expecting Cat to outright say it.

"That would be a good reason." Nadjia finally says, sounding pretty shocked as well.

"Yeaahh. So um, I think our thirty minutes are up so I should be going." Cat says, clearly feeling awkward.

"Wait! Couldn't you give us a few details?!" Nadjia protests.

"I don't think so, I think she'd prefer keeping her identity a secret."

"Yes of course, but couldn't you at least tell us something?"

He sighs, and asks "What?"

"How did you meet?"



"Yes. Now, I think that's enough, right?"

"Not yet! Um, how long have you been dating?"

"Since we defeated Hawkmoth. That night. That's enough information for now, I'll be going."

Before Nadjia can really protest he leaves, then she asks Ladybug what she thinks.

"As we said before, we're just partners. I'm happy for him." She says and gets up.

"Well, thank you for coming out."

"You're welcome. Goodbye!" Ladybug says and waves to the camera, then walks off screen.

"That was very um... enlightening, huh folks?" Nadjia says to the audience, before you turn off the tv.

Though it's only just past 7:30, you expect Cat will be arriving pretty soon, so you go out onto the balcony.

Sure enough, he soon comes into view, leaping across the rooftops.

As soon as he arrives he immediately jumps into an apology.

"I know I probably shouldn't have said anything about us, but I couldn't stand being asked things like that about Ladybug and I, when there's zero chance of being a couple. I didn't want anyone whose seen us together, especially your family, thinking something else. Or you, for that matter."

"Kitty, I know you wouldn't do that. You don't have to announce it on TV for reassurance. Besides, it's not like you told them who I am, where I live, or anything like that!" You try to console him.

"You're not upset?"

"No, of course not. Just a little surprised."

"Oh good, I was so worried you'd be really mad or something."

"Why would I be mad? It wasn't that bad."

"Well, Ladybug would've gotten mad if we'd started dating and I'd announced it."

"But I'm not Ladybug, I don't have any reputations or anything to keep up."

"Yeah, you're definitely not Ladybug. You're much better." He says with a wink.

You chuckle lightly and feel your cheeks get a little warmer.

"Besides, I like having everyone else know you're taken. Nobody comin' up trying to flirt." You say with mock sass, before laughing, which he soon joins into.

"They'll know better now. Wouldn't  want you knocking anybody off." He teases.

"Oh please, I wouldn't go that far. Maybe just slap them around a bit."

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now