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Adrien's POV

"Mom! You're awake!" I say excitedly as my mother starts to stir.

"Adrien? No, you can't be my son." She says as she looks at me.

"What? Yes I am? It's me, Mom!" Why doesn't she think I'm her son?

"You look too old to be my son!"


How am I supposed to explain all this?

"Mom, you're in the hospital. You've been in some type of coma for a little over two years now."

"What? That can't be! Where is my husband? And my son? What is going on?!"

I didn't even think about this type of reaction, I just expected her to happy.

"Mom, I promise, it's me! I've just gotten a little older."

"How old did you say you were?"

"I'm 16."

"See, my son is only 14. Who are you and why am I here? Are you a nurse at this hospital playing a joke? I do enjoy jokes, but not to this degree."

"Mom, no. I'm not a nurse, I'm your son! I really am!"

To my surprise, she starts to laugh.


"Adrien, darling! I'm just kidding, of course I know it's you! A mother will know her child, especially me."

"Mom! You scared me!"

"Dear, have you forgotten your sense of humor? Don't tell me you've stopped trying to make your bodyguard laugh with ridiculous puns?"

Now I'm laughing too, I missed being free to pun in my own home.

Father made me stop, because it reminded him too much of Mom.

"Of course not! But like you said, I enjoy jokes, just not to this degree!"

"Oh come here!" She says with a laugh, reaching out to hug me.

I gladly accept.

Aside from y/n, my mother gives the best hugs.

"I've missed you so much, Mom! There's so much to tell you!"

I just don't know how I'll tell her that her husband ended up a crazy psychopath who tried on multiple occasions to kill me, and the people I care about.

"Well let's get started catching up! First off, where's your father? Has he thrown himself into work for a distraction?"

"Uhh, you could say that."

"So he's at home? Let's call him, and we can prank him too!"

"Mom, I've got some bad news. About him."

I don't want to call him 'Dad', as it seems too endearing, yet he wanted me to call him 'Father' and I don't want to do anything he wanted.

"What do you mean, is he alright?"

"I guess. He's um. He had to go to uh- well."

"Adrien, stop your stammering. Where is your father?"

"He's in prison." I decide to get it over with.

"What?! Why?!" She asks, looking shocked.

"Multiple reasons. Um, terrorism, mainly. But also child abuse, kidnapping, and I guess escaping prison. Whatever that charge means."

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