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A few days after you'd been allowed to go home from the hospital and were feeling fine, Cat Noir and Ladybug arrived at your balcony.

"So we're supposed to go to the police station to find out what all happened, and thought you might want to come, in case you had questions or just wanted to force Lila to apologize." Cat informs you.

"Plus if he started freaking out I'd probably need help getting him to chill." Ladybug says.

"I won't freak out! Much." He says the last word way quieter, but you still catch it.

You giggle and say you'll go, but have to run down and tell your parents you're going out with Cat first.

When you return, Cat pulls a pair of glasses out of his pocket, saying they can't let just anyone come along.

"Yay!!" You exclaim, taking the glasses and putting them on.

"Hello darling!" Kaalki says once she's appeared.

"Hi Kaalki!!" You say, giving her a little hug.

"How's Nooroo doing?" You ask her.

"He's ok, happy to be in the box. But I've been in there for ages, I'd rather stay out with you!" She says, flopping dramatically onto your head.

"Aww, I wish I could keep you too! Are you sure I can't?" You ask, trying to do your best impression of Cat's kitten eyes to him, batting your eyelashes and pouting.

He bites his lip and tries to look away, but he can't do that when Kaalki flies in front of him, doing the same thing, so everywhere he looks he's met with pouting.

"Angel... You know I can't..." He says regretfully.

"Paw-lease?" You ask, reaching out to him.

He starts to get closer to hug you, and you can tell he's about to crack, but Ladybug steps in his way.

"Enough! You can't keep a kwami! You're lucky we're allowing you to have her now! But if you keep this up you won't be getting her back! Especially from him." She says, jabbing her thumb behind her at Cat.

"Awwww!" You and Kaalki say in unison disappointedly.

"Just hurry up and transform so we can go!" Ladybug urges impatiently.

"Fine. Full gallop."

"About time. Let's go." She swings away, and you start to follow, but Cat grabs your hand.

"Are you sure you're ok? It won't hurt to go like this? I'll carry you if you need me to."

"I'm fine. Are you?" You reverse the question.

"Oh yeah, but I took it slowly before running around like usual. Maybe you should just Voyage!?"

"Then I'll need an apple. I'm ok, really. But will you be alright to see them? Ladybug did have a point about you freaking out. The Protective Boyfriend Mode might kick in." You say pointedly.

"I'm not going to freak out, besides you'll be there and I can just look at your cute self and be fine!" He says, winking.

You feel your face getting warmer, so you just laugh and leap over the railing.

He follows, and you start laughing from the exhilaration.

"I missed this!" You say to Cat as he runs beside you.

"Wanna race?" You ask.

"No way! You cheat!" He protests.

"So do you!" You retort.

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

You go back and forth until you arrive at the police station, where the interrogation will happen.

"Ok you two. No more joking around, this is serious!" Ladybug scolds.

"We're serious!" You say.

"Very serious!" Cat backs you up.

"Right. Let's go." She jumps onto the ground, and starts to the door.

You and Cat look at each other and can't help but snicker a little before following.

But as you're led into an interrogation room by police officers, the mood quickly turns darker.

"What if they mention our secret identities?" Cat whispers quietly so no one else can hear it, but he knows you'll be able to with the horse ears.

"Should we ask for complete privacy?" You whisper back, equally quiet.

"I don't know if it would matter, the room probably has speakers."

"True. Maybe they just won't?"

"We can hope."

Now you've reached the room where Hawkmoth, of course in his civilian form, and Lila are waiting, surrounded by police.

Cat's hand immediately finds yours at the sight of them, and you give it a light squeeze.

In the room are five chairs, with a table separating two from the other three.

You and Ladybug take the outer chairs, putting Cat in the middle.

You don't really think he'd actually do anything, but Ladybug seems to think he might, so it's silently decided that arrangement is best.

Mr. Agreste and Lila are of course in the other two chairs, and to your surprise all the police officers file out, leaving a recording device, saying they won't be listening, in case the secret identities are mentioned, because after a short discussion it was asked of them.

At first, nobody speaks, the people opposing each other just glare back and forth.

"So how did you get out after I sent you to jail?" You ask Lila, breaking the silence.

"How do you think?" She says rudely.

"You lied. Because that's all you ever do."  Ladybug inputs.

"But what did you say that convinced them to release you?" You push.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because you're probably obligated to tell the truth here, I know it's out of your element, but you have to." You say back, matching her snarky tone.

She rolls her eyes and slumps back in her chair.

"I told them I was a superhero. That I got sent to prison when the plan went wrong. It took plenty of convincing, but they did let me go."

"And that's when you found us and stabbed y/n." Cat says darkly.

"That wasn't exactly how I was planning for things to go, but she survived."

"Barely." He responds.

You stroke his hand with your thumb, since your hands are under the table nobody should see.

"What about you? How were you able to get out of prison?" You ask Mr. Agreste.

"Illusions." He answers simply.

"What do you mean?" Ladybug asks.

"After she got the butterfly miraculous and sent the akuma, I used the powers of Volpina to create an illusion of myself escaping. When the police forces chased it, I transformed into Stoneheart and broke out. It was all rather easy, really."

"And you were the one visiting him?" Cat asks Lila.

"Of course. He needed updates about his son, among other things." She says with a knowing smirk.

"How did you know the combination for the box holding the miraculouses?" Ladybug changes the topic.

"I've been watching."

"Watching what?"

"Everything. I know all of your secret identities. And so will the rest of Paris unless you get us released."

Y'all didn't think I'd just leave ya without a proper explanation, did ya?

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora