Croissant Date

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As you were saying a sad goodbye to Kaalki, Master Fu watched on with a thoughtful look.

You and Cat had returned her, and told him about Lila and her plan to tell everyone the secret, so he said he would see what he could do about something similar to oath you took.

"Could I say hi to Nooroo while I'm here?" You ask.

"I suppose that would be alright." He says, and gets the brooch.

Nooroo appears looking around fearfully, then relaxes.

"Oh hi!"

"Hey little pal! We had to bring Kaalki back and I wanted to see how you were doing." You explain.

"I'm doing much better now that I'm safe."


You talk a little more, until having to say goodbye to both kwamis.

"You get along with those two well." Master Fu comments.

"Oh yeah, I love them!" You say with a smile.

"Plagg probably wouldn't admit it, but he likes her too." Adrien mentions, looking at Plagg, who'd  fallen asleep.

"You should meet some other kwamis soon."

"Could I?!" You ask hopefully.

"I don't see why not." Master Fu says with a knowing grin.

"Right now?!"

"Pick one." He replied, gesturing to the open box.

You almost want to pick Kaalki again, but decide to instead talk to Pollen.

"Hello, my Queen!" She says once she's fully appeared.

"Hi!! Did you get some food?!" You immediately ask.

"Oh yes, don't worry about that!"

"You've met before?" Master Fu asks.

"Yeah, I needed Pollen's power when we fought Hawkmoth the other day. I would've picked a new kwami, but I wanted to make sure she gotten food."

He nods at this, then moves closer to Adrien, and they start whispering.

You don't pay attention, but continue talking with Pollen.

"Would you like to meet someone else?" Master asks after he and Adrien had stopped talking.


This time you do pick a kwami you hadn't met.

You get along with the few kwamis you talk to, and are promised to be able to meet all of them eventually, but not this time, as Master Fu has business he needs to attend to.

So you and Adrien get Plagg and leave, then duck into a hidden place so Adrien can transform.

"You told your parents you were going out with me, so would you care to go for a stroll, my dear Angel?" He asks, reaching his hand out.

"I'd love to, my dear Kitty!" You respond, taking his hand.

While walking, you realize you hadn't eaten dinner yet when you smell bread baking.

You hear Cat sniffing nonstop, and look to see he's close to drooling.

You laugh at his face, which brings him out of his trance.

"With the cat senses, that bread smell is crazy strong!"

"I can tell. You wanna get some croissants?" You ask.

"That would be purrfect!!"

So you walk towards the smell, though he looks like he's about ready to run and find it.

But when you reach the bakery, he reaches towards the door, then quickly pulls away as if it shocked him.

"What's wrong?!" You ask worriedly.

"I can't go in here! Not like this!" He says and goes to the alley beside the bakery.

"Why not? The Dupain-Chengs not a fan of Cat Noir? That's pretty ironic, considering how many times you've saved Ladybug. Though they wouldn't understand that I assume."

"Well no, they probably don't know, but even if they did, that might make it worse!" He says, confusing you more.

"Make what worse?"

"First, remember this all happened before I met you!" He says, making you wonder where this is going.

"Ok, so Ladybug and I had just defeated an akuma, right around here, it was a baby, and I think Ladybug had taken his pacifier or something, then left because she was gonna transform back. I tried to follow her to get it, and then ended up on Marinette's roof, where she just randomly says she's in love with me! OHH NOW I GET IT!" He explains, then takes a turn.

"I'm still confused!"

"She said she liked me because she didn't want me to figure out that she's Ladybug! Duh!" He says, face palming.

"Yeah, she probably could've said something else though. Anyway, what does that have to do with you not going in there? Things have been cleared up, and even if they weren't she'd just have to deal with you not liking her." 

He laughs at your somewhat jealous remarks, before continuing.

"Her dad overheard before I could even speak, and reacted in pretty much the opposite way of your dad, so he had me come over for dinner, and I tell them I don't like Marinette, but at the time, I was saying no for Ladybug, so I guess she isn't the only one who did that."

"And I take it he wasn't happy with you?"

"Oh no, he got akumatized, it was this whole big ordeal, so now he doesn't like me much, but I'm just glad to put all that behind us, and forget about the stupidity of turning down one person for the same person, and be happily in love with you." He says, giving you a sappy grin.

You blush and are unable to resist the urge to hug him tightly, which he gladly returns.

"So just detransform and we'll get some food! I'm hungry!"

He does so, and Plagg agrees with you, telling him to hurry up.

"Get me some of those camembert filled croissants!! You and Pigtails didn't work out, but me and her parent's food did!!"

"That's pretty much how I feel too." Adrien nods.

"Same." You agree.

You all laugh, and once Plagg has hidden, head inside.

"Hello, dears!" The nice lady says from behind the register.

"Hi Mrs. Dupain-Cheng!" Adrien says, eyeing the display case.

You order it to go, and take the bag back to the alley, where Adrien feeds Plagg, then transforms again.

You hold the bag, while he holds you and takes you to a "surprise picnic spot" which turns out to be a high rooftop with a nice view of the Eiffel.

"This is so pretty!" You gush, looking out.

When you turn around you almost faint, but then realize what Cat is doing.

Down on one knee, in the usual proposing pose, holding out the bag of pastries.

"Your food, m'Angel." He says.

"You dork." You laugh as you take the bag and get your food out.

"Just practicing!" He winks as he takes his croissant from you.

"Uh-huh." You mumble, trying not to blush.

He laughs and sits at the edge of the roof, patting the ground beside him.

You sit, letting him wrap an arm around you and pull you closer, and there you stay, watching the sunset and eating croissants, until its dark and the pastries are long gone.

Hello hello! Hope you enjoyed, you lovely humans!

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