A Confession

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Adrien's POV

After going home, I still felt a little woozy from all that catnip, so I asked Plagg about it, to which he mostly just laughed and shrugged.

"Kid, all I can tell you is that it'll mess with me, so since I'm powering your suit and all, it messes with you. I think a few of my past holders have experimented with it, one even got hooked on the stuff, which was bad for me."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. Why would I lie to you, especially about that?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it like that! I just thought it was weird that y/n mentioned not wanted to get me addicted, and you actually had someone addicted."

"Ahh. Yeah, well, just don't be around it too often and you'll be fine."


After that I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

The next day, before class, Chloe doesn't come up to flirt with me, so I assume she's still mad I told her she's not better than anybody else.

I don't want her upset with me, but I am glad she's not flirting.

It just feels weird, since I have a girlfriend.

But of course, I can't tell her that, or she'd want to know who it is, and that'd just be a big mess.

During our first class we talk more about the book report, and how far each team has gotten.

Nobody is finished yet, but there are some closer than others.

I don't know exactly how much Marinette and I will end up doing, but I think we should be about halfway done.

Since today is Wednesday, we have today and tomorrow to finish, then we turn it in on Friday.

So far I think we'll get a good grade.

The rest of the day isn't very eventful, and I go to fencing class, where I'm shocked to see Felix standing with Kagami.

I walk up to them, and make sure his hair doesn't look like mine.

It's in his normal style, so I don't know what he's doing here.

"Hi Adrien. Felix is just telling me how he'd like to sign up here." Kagami informs me.

"Oh. Great." I say, trying to sound at least a little enthusiastic.

"Calm down cuz, I just want to fence. Is that a crime?" Felix says, sounding surprisingly sarcastic.

"I guess not. As long as you don't go impersonating anybody!"

"Oh come on, the only one I could do that with is you, and why would I need to?"

"I don't know, probably the same reason you did it before!"

"Nah, your cute girlfriend isn't here."


"What? You don't think she's cute?"

"Of course I think she's cute! I just think it's a little weird for you to say it!"

"You two can talk about this later. I for one, don't care to hear it, and would like to get started." Kagami interrupts, pointing to our teacher, who just walked in, with her saber.

"You're right. Felix, you have to get signed up to fence here. Go talk to Mr. D'Argencourt." I say, trying to cool down.

I guess I shouldn't really mind him saying that, it's sort of a compliment, I think.

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