The Dreemurr Debate

Start from the beginning

The crowd seemed to die down and the man looked to Rave and Damian. "You two, please give us your names and organization's goal." Damian smiled and cleared his throat, glancing at Rave who gave him a grin.

"We're a group of people who seek to continue the AMD's legacy. My name is Damian Lawrens, and our goal is to once again..."

He glanced back at Jessica. "...Bring peace to our society with the extraction of monsters." The man at the debate table nodded as the crowd softly chattered. Rave spoke shortly after. "My name is Rave Rutrow, head of the HSO. I fully support Mister Lawrens' goal and provide all funding necessary."

The debate manager nodded and turned to Jessica, who stood up straight. "My name is Jessica Grey, former owner of the AMD and current leader of the Monsters Rights Movement."

Gaster spoke last, with a hint of annoyance in his tone. "My name is Wing Din Gaster, head scientist and recovery specialist at the HSO..." He glanced at Rave and cleared his throat. "Excuse me. Former head scientist and recovery specialist."

The man at the table nodded and straightened the papers in front of him. "Alright, thank you. As you know, Asgore Dremurr's arrest is shrouded in fog, and we'd like to clear that up. Why was Asgore's arrest implemented, and why should he be released or stay behind bars? Mister Rutrow, you're up first."

"Well, it was painfully simple. He'd murdered six human children who had fallen down there in cold blood. A crime like that should never be condoned."

The crowd chattered in agreement. Jessica spoke quickly. "If I may, Mister Rutrow. You're not considering the circumstances in which these children were killed."

"Circumstances? Murder, through any colored lens, is murder nonetheless." Rave glared at Jessica with a smug smile. "Wouldn't you lock up a child murderer if they did it up here?"

"First of all, that didn't happen up here. The monsters were obligated to kill them to escape the place they were seal-" "Miss Grey, are you saying you are okay with murder-?" Damian's voice intercepting hers made her slam her hands on the podium. "Let me finish, Lawrens. Goddamn."

Damian gave her a slight smile upon seeing her anger, and Gaster stepped up to the microphone and spoke. "May I speak from a firsthand experience?"

"Woah, be careful. He may murder your children in the process." Rave laughed as some of the crowd laughed along with him. The debate manager spoke. "Strike one for your side, Mister Rutrow. Immaturity with a topic as sensitive as this will not be tolerated."

Jessica couldn't help but put her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle as Gaster smiled at Damian smugly. He spoke with a new sense of confidence. "As the royal scientist, it was my sole duty to find a way to break the barrier without human souls. The king was not compliant with views of murdering humans."

"When nothing proved effective, we had to resort to using human souls. And it was deliberately out of respect for humans on the surface that we waited for six to fall down instead of using one to bring back others."

Jessica nodded in approval as the crowd seemed to agree. Gaster stepped back with satisfaction as the debate manager nodded. "Alright, thank you both. Myself and many others would like to know, if Asgore was to be freed, why would it benefit or harm our city? Miss Grey, you're up first."

"It would let him live his life in peace, as he deserves to. The charges are completely justified, and at this point, it seems like a case of discrimination."

The crowd seemed to be surprised at that, awaiting a rebuttal. Damian cleared his throat and spoke. "Miss Grey, it's as if you haven't run a similar business yourself."

"My experience with monsters has led me to change. You, on the other hand, haven't had any personal interaction with monsters, have you?" Jessica looked to Damian, who stayed silent and gave her a glare.

"Exactly. You can't make a reliable conclusion on them with nothing to go off of yourself. So, Lawrens, what exactly is your establishment trying to accomplish?"

The place went silent. Damian remained speechless and annoyed as Rave stepped up to the microphone. "Fine. Let's play the hard way, Jessica."

"The goal is to send you back to where you were sealed, skeleton. And that classified event that happened in the city was-" "That's enough, Rave!" Jessica slammed her hands on the table as the debate manager frantically tried to calm them both down.

"Please, please, stay calm- ehm, Mister Rutrow, disclosing classified information is no way civil-" "He's the one you should be worried about! He DESTROYED half our city, manipulating Jessica into-" "I wasn't manipulated into anything! Stop victimizing me!" "Rutrow and I are HELPING you, Miss Grey, and it's a shame you can't see tha-" "Oh, yeah, and what're you gonna do, visor boy? Shoot your little gun?"

The crowd uproared with anger. Screams of different sides filled the auditorium. "MURDER IS MURDER!" "ASGORE DESERVES PEACE!" "SEAL THE SKELETON!" "STRIKE ONE FOR RUTROW, STRIKE OUT FOREVER!"

"SETTLE DOWN, SETTLE DOWN!" The debate manager yelled into his microphone. The crowd fell a little quiet, but uproar still ensued. Jessica smiled, the debate having the exact effect she wanted. Damian scoffed and rolled his eyes at her.

The debate manager scowled. "That's quite enough, I suppose. We'll have our two teams step off." The four walked off the stage, two of them perfectly content with the publicity their new movement had acquired.

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