Under Starlight

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Jessica gazed at the ceiling, laying on her mattress with the blanket at her feet. Moonlight peered through the window beside the mattress, and she turned her head to see it. The sliver of the glass that she could see through had a cloudy sky past it.

It wasn't a good night to see the stars, unfortunately. She sat up and sighed with tiredness. Was an apology due to either her or them?

It gave her a headache just thinking about it. Nothing she'd done from the point she saved Gaster to now made sense. Maybe it was because she hit her head. It'd be a better answer to everything at this point.

A soft knock on the door made her expression lighten instinctively. Slowly, she went towards it and pulled it open.

"Heya J-" She slammed the door. That wasn't Gaster. That was goddamned Sans.

She flopped back into the mattress as she heard him talk outside the hall. "Yo, Jess, wait. Cmon. I don't want G to be mad at me."

"If anyone's mad at you, it's me." Jessica flipped herself over, staring at the ceiling again. "But our favorite lab coat wearing lover is in sync with you. He's mad because you're mad. So I wanted to say sorry."

"Will you stop trying to push me to like him?!" Sans stopped for a moment. "Can we talk about that?" "No! We can't!" "Please?" "No!"

"Why are you so much harder to crack open then Gaster?" "Go ask that pink thing. You'll get a better response from her." "I'm just gonna stay here 'till ya let me in." "When the time comes for you to drive me insane, I'll jump out the window."

Sans stopped for a moment. "Don't do that." "I WON'T! I JUST NEED EVERYBODY BUT GASTER TO LEAVE ME ALONE!"

A shuffling was heard in the hall along with footsteps. "Hey G! I need ya!" "What are you doing?" "Good question." "No. Not a good question."

A silence followed outside her room. Jessica tried to drown them out as much as she could, but miserably failed. "Okay. Not a good question, then." "Sans, stop being a wiseass and stop harassing Jessica."

Sans shrugged and walked down the hall. "I was just callin' ya because she said she needed you. By all means, continue to be mad at me." "Go and leave us alone." Gaster muttered with malice, opening the door and turning to Jessica in concern.

She sat up and sighed as he closed the door behind him. He sat beside her on the mattress as she predicted his next movements, leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around her gently.

"I think we're overdue for a talk." Gaster ran his hands through her hair as she sighed in agreement. "I suppose. What's our topic for tonight?"

Gaster looked up at the ceiling thinking, but then he responded with a smile in his voice. "Whatever you want it to be." "Hmm. Can we complain about everyone here who's not us?" Gaster pulled her a little closer. "Of course."

"Alright. To start off, Toriel confronted me about you liking me as more than a friend, and it was extremely condescending and rude. Honestly, I wouldn't have freaked out tonight if it wasn't for that. Plus, Asgore just snickers at me when I give him the look that says 'Help me! Your wife is going to make me jump off a bridge!'"

Gaster chimed in with annoyance in his voice as well. "Sans did that to me as well. It wasn't fun to sit there and not be able to tell him otherwise." Jessica nodded with anger, being careful not to let his hand stop stroking her hair. "I know! And then they act all smart about it like they've accomplished something! They've accomplished nothing!"

"That's how I felt when you left. You know what they told me when you walked out?" "What?" "They told me that I'd stand out because you didn't like them at the moment." "What kind of half assed manipulation tactic is that?!"

Fixing up the Past // Glitchtale GreysterWhere stories live. Discover now