37.| ᴅɪᴇ ᴀʟʟ, ᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴇʀʀɪʟʏ

Start from the beginning

That's when it hit the boy. "Octavia, you can fight on behalf of Skaikru."

"do you want to kill me or something?" Octavia questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Alexander snorted. "No, once it gets down to the both of us. You can back out of the conclave, the only consequence is one slash from the winner."

Octavia thought for a moment before nodding. "That sounds good. We work together and we split the bunker."


"Octavia No," Bellamy said making his entrance. "Y- you don't have to do this. We can get someone else to fight."

"If I die, I die," she simply responded

Alexander narrowed his eyes. "You don't die, I'll make sure of it."


"Don't," Octavia interrupted. "This is my decision, Bell. You heard Alex, I'll be fine and I'll back out the fight before anyone has the chance to kill me."

"It's time," Clarke announced to the two fighters.

Alexander nodded and headed out of the room. Clarke stopped them both in their place. "You guys got this."

Neither of them said a word, they slight smiled before walking out the door. Alexander glanced at Octavia and noticed the look on her face.

"It's okay to be scared," he sighed as he continued to walk. "Even I'm afraid. But I promise you, I will not let you die out there. Not tonight."

Octavia nodded. "May we meet again."

"We will."

With that, the two made their way outside. They prepared for the night. They both stood side by side after they took the sigil of their clan. Gaia gave a speech about the conclave and explained the rules. It was nerve-racking, everyone was a little nervous. But no one showed it. Just as Alexander thought his day couldn't get any worse, Luna showed up.

"I'm Luna Kom Flokru, and I'm the last of my clan."

Gaia backed up. "we know who you are— the Natblida who ran from her conclave."

Luna shook her head. "I'm not running from this one," she replied as she looked Alexander in the eyes.

Gaia sighed and turned towards Luna. "Accept this Sigil, Luna Kom Flokru, but with your clan gone, who will you fight for?"

"I fight for no one. I fight for death." Luna spat

The crowd began to murmur and Octavia turned towards Alexander with a worried look. The boy shook his head telling her that her death was all his.

"When I win," Luna said as she held up her sigil. "No one will be saved."

Once the crowd settled down, the warriors were sent sighed to train before the fight. As Alexander and Octavia picked out their weapons, Alexander encountered the sword Lexa used the day of her Conclave. The boy ran his fingers on it before picking it up. He took a deep breath in before looking up. "This is for you, sister."

The boy turned around and his eyes met Luna's dark ones. The two stated each other down before Indra made her appearance snapping him out of thought. She put her finger under Octavia's chin and lifted her face.

"Lincoln's tattoo," she said trying to hide a smile. "don't fight with aggression. Don't reveal your next move before you strike."

Octavia nodded. "And never leave myself exposed. I remember."

Alexander smiled. "looks like kicking your ass wasn't for nothing."

Indra smiled and then turned towards Alexander who nodded. Indra pulled her sword out from her pocket. "Gaia would never accept this, But I hope that you will."

ᴍᴀʏ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ,  ʀᴀᴠᴇɴ ʀᴇʏᴇꜱ.Where stories live. Discover now