"Let's finish up for today. Do some individual training back at the camp." Sangyeon said.

"What do you think?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook and Hoseok glanced at each other. The three were in Namjoon's study. 

"Improvement is there." Jungkook replied.

"But?" Namjoon said. 

"Teamwork is not there." Hoseok finished for Jungkook. Namjoon nodded. 

"And there's still that kid left, right?" He asked Hoseok. Hoseok nodded.

"That just shows they haven't been pushed to their limits yet. This upcoming competition might just be hunting but you know it's gonna be a lot more brutal than just hunting." Hoseok said, seriously.

"So, what do you suggest?" Namjoon lifted up his teacup. 

Hoseok and Jungkook looked at each other and smirked. 


"Awww, we haven't even said anything yet." Hoseok gave a fake hurt pout. 

"We are not going to make it hard on the kids." Namjoon said. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"You're too soft, old man." He commented. He got up to leave. Then stopped at the door. 

"We still got that wine crate in the kitchen, right?" He aske. 

"Yes, why do you ask?" Namjoon question suspiciously. 

"No reason." Jungkook shrugged. Hoseok was smirking to himself as he sipped on his tea. He had a hunch on what Jungkook was planning, though Namjoon seemed oblivious. 

"Do you have something on your mind?" Hyunjae asked Sangyeon after dinner. The two were at the bridge. Sangyeon stayed quiet.

"You and I both know this isn't going to be just a simple competition. I think, Father has something to do with it. He might've been the one who initiated it. I don't want to drag them in without knowing anything." Hyunjae continued. 

"We need to hurry and train, then." Sangyeon simply said. 


"Hyunjae," Sangyeon turned to Hyunjae, "All you have to do is train and obey orders. Don't try to do anything more." 

Hyunjae stared at him for a while, then scoffed quietly.

"And here I thought you had changed. Even a bit. You're still the same selfish prideful person." Hyunjae gave him a disappointed look and left. 

Sangyeon casted his eyes down once he was alone. He took a deep breath in. Being selfish was how he'd lived all his life. How can he change? Is there a way? Is there even... a chance? 

"It's okay to show emotions, you know." Sangyeon looked up to see Hyungseo leaning up on the stone handrail of the bridge. 

"Why are you here?" Sangyeon was irritated. He didn't know why. Hyungseo seemed to notice.

"I just didn't want to stay alone in the same room with the cat and mouse." Hyungseo shrugged. 

Sangyeon tried to leave. He wanted to stay alone. But Hyungseo grabbed his wrist.

"Stay. It's nice out. If you are annoyed with my talking, then I'll stay quiet." Hyungseo said. 

"No, thanks." Sangyeon wriggled his wrists away from Hyungseo.

"No, you need to stay with someone. I can stay with you. You need to talk." Hyungseo resisted. 

"Talk about what? And I don't need to stay with anyone." Sangyeon gave up. Hyungsoe smiled at that.

"Why do you keep closing off? Just when I thought you were fine, you keep backing away. From me, your brothers, others. Why?"

"I'm not backing away. I prefer it this way."


"Cause- why are you asking me these?" Sangyeon had enough as he yanked Hyungseo's hands off him. 

"Just because. Professor Kim did say we are a team now. We need to understand each other. And you aren't really cooperating."

"I cooperate when I see the need to. So screw off." Sangyeon gave a hard glare before leaving.

Hyungseo sighed. Hyungseo had been noticing how Sangyeon tried hard to keep his cold aura around others. Trying to stay unbothered, uncaring, when he did care. He could see it under the mask Sangyeon tried so hard to keep on. Hyungseo didn't know exactly when he started noticing. He took a deep breath in as the night air brushed by him. He just had to have feelings for the most difficult person on the team, didn't he?

Juyeon entered his room with his towel hung around his neck as he dried off his hair. He noticed Joonyoung at his desk, concentrating hard on some book. Juyeon smiled at Joonyoung's unconscious pout as he nibbled on his bottom lips.

Joonyoung let out a small groan and buried his head in the book. Juyeon chuckled and that's when Joonyoung noticed another presence in the room. Joonyoung gulped slightly as Juyeon was still shirtless and his hair was still wet. 

"What's the problem?" Juyeon kept his usual smile as he walked to the desk. 

"Just, the essay Professor Jung told us to do. I don't get how we are supposed to answer it." Joonyoung pouted unconsciously. Juyeon fought the urge to pinch his puffy cheeks. 

"It's actually a lot more simple than you think." He said, taking a look at it. Joonyoung scoffed.

"Of course, it's simple for you. You have been going to academies since you could walk." Joonyoung rolled his eyes. 

"Oh, so I guess you don't want my help." Juyeon pretended to frown and turn away. 

"No! I mean, yes. Please help." Joonyoung held back Juyeon's arms with both hands and gave him doe eyes. Juyeon pretended to think for a while before nodding. Joonyoung grinned. 

"Ok, now if you read the question at this part..." Juyeon leaned in as he put his hands around Joonyoung to get a better look at the words. Joonyoung listened intently as he continued to nibble his bottom lip. 

Juyeon made a mental note of Joonyoung's habit while he wrote down his answer. He also observed the way Joonyoung's eyes brightened up with delight and how his buck teeth revealed themselves when he smiled wide as he understood the question. Juyeon also noticed their extreme closeness in this position.

And strange enough, Juyeon liked it.

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