36.| ɢᴏᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇx

Start from the beginning

"I think so," Clarke smiled

Jackson continued adding heat

"1000 Rem."


Abby turned towards the group. "All good here."

"2,000 Rem, The level of black rain," Jackson announced

"Still nothing. It's working." Clarke nodded


That's when the beeping got faster. And the group groaned. Jackson quickly turned it off and that's when Baylis started groaning in pain. His entire body was covered with radiation burns, he instantly started to throw up the nightblood and after ten seconds died. Raven hid her head in Alexander's neck as the boy sighed.

"What have we done?" Abby said in a tone of disbelief. The boy grabbed the body and carried out. Once they did Luna and Clarke began to clean the inside of the tank.

"How's the weather, Reyes? Forecast still calling for death?" John said sarcastically earning a chuckle from Alexander.

"Abby, Take a look at this," Jackson said getting the woman's attention.

The kids turned around and Alexander walked up towards her. "what is it?" he asked curiously.

"Sodium Polyethanol Sulfonate. It's an additive used to prevent clotting," Jackson explained to them. "Looks like the radiation broke it down and caused a chain reaction."

"What happens if we remove it?" Alexander tilted his head. "would it be survivable?"

"We could save everyone," Abby nodded with a smile.

"You could?" John said butting into the conversation. "So you're saying this can still work."

Abby shook her head. "Not without testing."

This time Raven tilted her head at the woman. "the last guy just died, screaming in agony," she said looking at the woman with crazy eyes. "And you want to try it again?"

Clarke turned towards her. "Give is a better idea, Raven. Please."

Alexander huffed. "So what? we go hunting for someone else?"

"No ones going anywhere in this storm," Miller interrupted

"Then we wait for it to pass," John said easing his voice.

Everyone seemed a little stunned

Roan crossed his arms over his chest. "When it does, there may not be anyone left to hunt for."

"hunting for someone else to kill," Luna scoffed glancing at Roan. "what's the matter with you people? Even Baylis honored the dead. He worse the stones of his rock line ancestors. Who will honor him?" Luna questioned as she showed them all the stones.

Alexander narrowed his eyes. "I thought Baylis was sandedakru."

"He was. He was also a thief," Emori added nervously. "who stole those stones."

"A thief who didn't bear the mark of Sandgedakru," Roan added as well sounding a bit confused.

That's when it hit Alexander. The boy turned towards Emori. "Who was that?"

"Come on, Alex. That's crazy. Of course" John started

"Who did we just kill?" Clarke interrupted with a raised tone.

All eyes were on Emori, she tried to run away but Alexander stopped her as he held a knife onto her throat.

"John take out the machine!" Emori shouted

Before he had the chance to, Miller pointed the gun at John's head.

"Looks like we know who's next," Roan smirked.

Alexander rolled his eyes and locked the two kids up by the shuttle, Before walking away and facing Clarke.

"Please tell me we're not going to kill Emori," Alexander said staring at Clarke.

Clarke's attention fell on the. it and she stood silent. "I don't know what else to do."

Roan shook his head. "There is nothing else to do."

"Abby, there has to be something that doesn't make us murderers," Raven said walking up towards them.

"Jackson and I have examined every possibility. And the only thing that we know for sure is that if we do nothing, we die." Abby explained

"We can't kill her, Abby!" Alexander said raising his voice

"I'm sorry." the woman said hesitantly. "Jackson prepare Luna for the next extraction."

Luna shook her head. "No. you've taken enough."

"Luna, it's ok. We'll sedate you—"

"I said no! I won't allow my blood to kill any more innocent people."

Clarke walked up towards her with a look. "Luna, please. Your blood is the one thing that can save us."

"My blood is a curse."

Before another word was said Luna tried to walk out but Roan stopped her. In annoyance, Luna kicked the man down onto the floor. Once Roan got back up he hit in the face now knocking her down onto the floor in pain. He had Luna in a chokehold, and that's when Alexander ran towards them.

"Hey! Let her go, Roan," Alexander spat as he held a knife to his throat.

But Roan didn't listen, he continued to hold her tightly to the point where she fell unconscious. Roan then carried her to the table.

Alexander couldn't help but scoff. "And you guys are any better than the Mountain Men? Let her go, and take mine." with that Alexander grabbed Luna's unconscious body and laid her down on the couch before laying himself down on the table. Once the boy was sedated they took the blood out and the boy was a little weak but he stood onto his feet.

"First, we survive. Then we find out humanity again." Abby said as she wrapped the boy up.

Raven crossed her arms and huffed. "I'm sure they said the same thing in Mount Weather, too."

With that, she walked away, and Alexander glanced at Abby before walking away. He hated the way things were, he didn't want to kill Emori, and he'd try anything in his power to make sure nothing happened to her because he knew once John lost Emori, John would end up losing himself. And he didn't want the boy to experience that kind of pain. As the boy walked into the lab again he saw Clarke with the syringe in her hand, and just as he was about to stop her she instantly shoved it into her arm.

"I bare it so they don't have to."

With that, all eyes were on her and everyone stood there stunned. Tears formed in Clarke's eyes before she turned around. "we're testing me."

Hours passed by and they continued testing her. Clarke was nervous, as well as everyone else was.

"It's been two hours. How do you feel?" Jackson asked her.

Clarke shrugged. "Ready." with that, she walked towards the tank. Abby tried to stop her and Abby from being a worried mother and not wanting Clarke to die she grabbed a pipe and smashed the glass windows of the tank destroying it.

"Stop!" they all yelled out

"Don't worry. It'll all be over soon now." Luna told the group as she walked away.

"why- that was your only chance at surviving!" Alexander shouted

"Alex lower your voice," Jackson huffed

But the boy shook his head. "you guys are out of your mind. I can't lose Raven, there—there has to be another way to save you all."

Miller shook his head. "There's not,"

Alexander scoffed and walked away. There was no way he'd let any of them die, let alone Raven.

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If you see any spelling mistakes I've made, please feel free to correct me, and if you got any questions go ahead and ask away.

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