"Hi, my name is Kim Jisoo. You look familiar, but I haven't seen a girl as beautiful as you here in Reveland" Jisoo introduced herself.

Chaeyoung was still speechless; the girl looks small she would pass as a high schooler but her aura is so strong it makes her cower not in fear but in insecurity?

Why does everybody in this Reveland makes her feel insecure?!

"Jisoo, she's the youngest female motorbike racer in Korea and a legendary champ in 3 international motorbike races. You probably seen her in magazines and some TV interviews" Lisa explained.

"Oh, I might've seen you in my dreams also" Jisoo said dreamily.

The girl was weird but she's cute.

"I'm Park Chaeyoung" she said and offered her hand.

Jisoo was thrilled and immediately took the hand and kissed it politely.

"A pleasure to meet you milady" she said.

"Kim Jisoo, if Seulgi finds out what you are doing right now, we might not see you ever gain" another voice came.

And the moment Chaeyoung looked at the owner of the voice, she felt the same as how she felt 8 years ago.

She froze.

"Irene, I don't care about Seulgi. She isn't someone who can control my life other than my mom" Jisoo said.

"And besides we aren't together so, I don't really get why I should have a problem dealing with her" Jisoo added.

"I just don't want my place to be an accessory for a murder case" Irene said.

Chaeyoung doesn't know what to do, the Bae Irene is there at their table casually talking with the girls with her. She doesn't know if she can still remember her but as long as she isn't getting her attention then it's fine with her.

"Oh, by the way. Welcome to Reveland, Chaeyoung" Irene said and smiled.

Chaeyoung gulped and her lips quiver.

"T-thank you. Nice p-place" she stuttered.

"Glad you liked it, enjoy your stay" Irene said before she walks to another table to greet other visitors and members.

Chaeyoung relieved a sigh that didn't go unnoticed by Lisa and Jisoo.

"What's with you and Irene?" Lisa asked.

"I told you to stop asking stupid questions Lis" Chaeyoung snapped.

Chaeyoung put both of her hands up in defeat. Jisoo smiled interestingly. No one really knows what goes inside that head of hers.

"Well, I should get going. Thank you very much" Chaeyoung said when she noticed that Nayeon left and Jennie is looking for her.

"Chaengie, are you going to stay here in Reveland?" Jisoo asked her.

"Uh yeah. Jennie said we'll be here for two weeks. Why?" She answered Jisoo's question without suspecting something.

"That's good. I'm planning on asking you out. If you don't have something to do, I could tour you around Reveland" Jisoo said.

"Sure, it's so nice of you" Chaeyoung answered.

Jisoo looked at Lisa who just shook her head before she looked back at Chaeyoung.

"Where should I pick you up?" Jisoo asked.

"In Jennie's place" Chaeyoung answered.

"You are staying with her?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes. We're f-friends"  Chaeyoung answered.

"That is so cool!" Jisoo said excitedly.

"Wait isn't Jennie going to get mad?" Lisa asked.

"Why would I get mad?" Jennie said.

The cat-eyed girl was looking for Chaeyoung when she spotted the girl with Lisa and Jisoo.

"Oh, because I asked Chaengie for a date" Jisoo casually answered.

"And you said yes?" Jennie asked the younger girl.

"Yes, why not?" Chaeyoung asked back innocently.

Jennie glared at Jisoo who has this smug smile on her face and to Lisa who raised both oh her hands.

"I don't have anything to do with this" the tall girl said.

Jennie didn't answer and just pulled Chaeyoung out of the pub.

Away from Jisoo.

"If you are going to ruin Chaeyoung's love life, I tell you it's already complicated don't make it worse" Lisa told Jisoo.

"Who said I'm going to ruin it? I'm going to help her" Jisoo said and Lisa just shook her head.

"Oh boy. This is going to be a fucking disaster" Lisa said.


I wanted Jisoo to have a different character from the other stories that I've read and NO, Lisoo isn't going to be a couple here, just a heads up incase some of you will be asking. 

Focus of this story is Chaennie. There would be mentions of other ships but zero to minimal moments only.

Thank you~

FOOLS || CHAENNIE (ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang