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Aimee looked at Grace and smiled. She took her hand. "Talk to me. What happened?" She asked as she handed her a hot chocolate.

Grace sighed. "We were arguing. And.. I just snapped. I didn't mean it at all. I didn't know what to do. He said he was going to take the baby from me. I can't let him do that."

Aimee held her sister as she cried. She could see how bad she was struggling. "It will be okay. He won't take your baby from you. I promise."

Grace wiped away the tears. She looked at her. "I can't do this. I love him still. And I can't help myself when it comes to wanting him."


Aimee sat in the staffroom. She looked up as Simon walked in. She smiled. "Hey. Everything okay?" She asked as she looked at him.

Simon nodded. "Your mum called. Max has woken up. He knows who attacked him but he won't say. He's protecting someone. Who else do you think would attack him and that he would protect?"

Aimee said nothing. Simon took her silence as she knew who attacked Max. He sighed. "He's protecting Grace isn't he? And so are you? She attacked someone and she'll get away with it."

"She's pregnant. Max deserved it. I'm not going to drop my sister in it. Not when she is so close to giving birth to her daughter. So if that's what you're suggesting then take a hike."

Simon rolled his eyes. "I'm not saying that. I'm saying that maybe Grace could use this as an excuse to get away from Greenock."

Aimee stood up and smirked. She looked at him. "Simon Lowsley. You absolute sneaky of a babe," she said as she kissed him.

Simon smirked and winked. "You can make it up to me tonight."


Aimee was sitting in her class as she taught. Lenny and Lisa wouldn't shut up and it was driving Aimee mad. She looked at them. "You either shut your mouths now. Or you can get to the cooler. The fact you're both talking after I told you both more than once, it's a joke and it's disrespectful."

"Sorry miss."

Aimee just nodded. She wasn't in the mood to deal with the pupils today. She just wanted to go home and go to bed. She wasn't feeling good at all. And she didn't know why. She looked up as Grace walked in.

Aimee stood up and smiled. "What's up?"

"Mum told me Max woke up. But he hasn't told the police it was me. That's got me worried."

Aimee nodded. "Babes. Don't trust him. Okay? He can't be trusted. Look at what he's done in the past."


Aimee sat in her flat. She heard the door knocking. She answered it and saw Simon there. She looked at him. "What you doing here?" She asked as she let him in.

Simon smiled. "Well I thought I'd come and keep you company. Unless you want me to go. Then i will."

"You're here now. Might as well come in and keep me company. Gets a little lonely being on my own," Aimee said.

But Aimee had no idea that as she was about to have sex with Simon, her life was about to come crashing down. And it was going to send her down a path of self-destruction.

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