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Aimee sighed to herself as she got into simons car and smiled "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and sighed as she sat with her head in her hands

"no, Max is blackmailing me over us and we need to do this. He is in my sisters life. She's pregnant with his baby yet I feel like he is making my life hell all because of you. You know what we are doing Simon. We're having an affair and max is going to put us before we are ready as you know we are going to be found out. It always happens" Aimee said as Simon looked to her and smiled.

Simon could see how scared that she was. He placed a hand on her cheek as she looked to him and smiled

"it's going to be okay, i know that you don't think it is but it is going to be okay. I love you and it's going to be fine" Simon said as Aimee frowned as she realised just what he had said

"you love me?" She asked as he looked to her and smiled

"of course I do, and I promise you that we will find a way to keep max quiet" Simon said as he looked to her and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"Come in let's go for a drive" Simon said as Aimee smiled. Aimee sat with Simon as they drove around Greenock. He drove to the top of town and parked his car and smiled

"what are we going to do?" Aimee asked as Simon smiled

"I'm going to be honest. I lie in bed with sue and I think why isn't it you? And why is it such a mess so I am going to tell her it's over and then we are going to find a way to be together as it's you I want" Simon said as Aimee looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as he pulled her close so that she was straddling him. He ran his hands up her dress as she undid his belt and smirked as he pulled her close and smirked as he pushed into her causing her to moan as she started to move against him as he pulled her close and kissed her as he dug his haiks into her hips as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her as they looked to each other breathless


Aimee sighed to herself as she lay in bed with Simon the next morning. She heard a knock at the bedroom door and cursed to herself. She stood from the bed and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair as she looked to see Simon as he hide in the wardrobe

"what's up?" Aimee asked as she answered the door to see grace who had a worried look on her face

"where were you last night?" Grace asked

"I went for some air, why what's up" Aimee asked as grace looked to her and sighed

"it's max. He was attacked" grace said as Aimee looked to him and frowned.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing but would max be okay and just who had attacked him and left him for dead?

Lustful affairs *Waterloo road*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora