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Aimee sighed as she pulled up outside of her old flat. She knew how it had been hard for her being away from Greenock.

And she knew that despite everything, she couldn't keep the baby from Simon.

Aimee knew how her dad was never there for her and she resented him it for it. She didn't want the same for her baby.

She knew it was going to be hard. especially being around Sue. But she had to do it. For the sake of her baby.

Aimee had been talking to Christine who had told her that her job was there for her when she wanted to return.

Aimee got out of her car and made her way up the path. She knocked the door and waited a few moments. Grace opened it and frowned. "You're back?" She asked.

Aimee nodded. "I'm back. I can't keep the baby away from Simon. Despite how much I dislike him At the moment. How's Belle?"

Grace smiled. "Go and see her. She's awake and looking around."

Aimee walked inside. She looked to her little niece. "She's gorgeous. She looks more like you than I thought."

Grace smiled. She looked to her. "I've missed you. It's been weird being here without you. You're the one person I ran to," she told her.

Aimee smiled. She pulled her sister into her arms and sighed. "Well I'm back now. And I'm determined to make it work," she said.

"Good. You know this is still your flat."

"It's ours. I want you and Belle to stay here as long as you want. You're my sister. And there's nowhere else I'd want you to be," Aimee said.

"If you're sure?"

"I'm sure."

Aimee went into work. She sighed as she saw Simon there. She got out of her car and looked to him. "Hello."

"You're back. I thought you were leaving?" Simon asked as he looked to her. He sighed. "Grace has been giving sue hell. She has been making out that she's the reason you left."

Aimee hid a smirk. She looked to him. "Well, she's not wrong is she? You and her.. you're welcome to each other. I only came back because I don't want my baby to miss out on having a father. I'm not that selfish."

Simon sighed. "I didn't want it to end this way. I just... I don't know. It all went wrong," he said.

"It did. But I think we can be okay. We can make this work. We can coparent. It won't be easy. But I know that we can do it," Aimee said as she turned and walked off.

Aimee was sitting in the staffroom.  She looked up as Maggie walked in. "Oh hello love. Thought you'd left us?"
She said.

Aimee smiled. "I couldn't live without you. I missed you. More importantly I missed my niece. But I'm back for good. I hope," she told her.

"Good. We've missed you too."

Aimee was stood in her classroom. She looked up as sue walked in. She rolled her eyes. "Just when I thought I had managed to avoid you."

"Simon doesn't want you here. He doesn't want your baby. Leave him alone," Sue said.

Aimee smirked. She looked to her. "I don't care what you say. I'm sticking around. For the sake of my baby. So get used to it," she told her as she turned and walked off.

Not realising the war she had started with Sue.

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