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Aimee felt torn. She didn't know what to do. She knew Max was blackmailing her over their one stupid night together. She didn't want to hurt her sister.

When she woke that morning, she went through to the living room. Grace was sitting there. She looked at her. "Are you okay?" Aimee asked.

"Yeah I'm fine babes. Just thinking. I made the stupid mistake of running here. I should have known that Max was going to follow me. He wants this baby and he won't stop until he has her. Maybe I should just go back with him and let him have her."

Aimee shook her head. "You can't let him win Grace. It's not right. He doesn't deserve that baby girl from you."

Grace shrugged. "I don't know what choice I have Aims. He won't give up until he has her as I said. He's a persistent prick," she told her.


Aimee arrived at work and saw Max. She walked over to him. "Why are you still here? Grace won't give you that baby. So just clear off," she said.

Max smirked. "Then I'm afraid you're going to have to face the consequences of me telling her that we had sex. Imagine the heart break on her face when she finds out," he told her.

Aimee shrugged. "She won't believe you. There's no proof."

Max smirked. "I have ways of making her believe me."

"Just piss off Max. Grace doesn't want you. Your own daughter who hasn't even been born yet won't want you."

Max rolled his eyes and walked off. Aimee was scared. She knew Grace was in the school and that Max would tell her.


Simon saw Aimee and walked over to her. She sighed. "If you've come to ask me something then sod off. I'm not in the mood at all," she said.

"Charming. I actually came to see if you're okay. I saw you and Max earlier. Looked quite cosy," Simon said as he sat on the desk.

Aimee rolled her eyes. "God no. I wouldn't go there. He's my sister's ex and her baby daddy."

Simon smirked. "Come over tonight. Sue is out and I don't want to be alone," he said.

"You sound worse than a girl. No. I am not coming to yours for sex. Use Handy."

Simon frowned and looked at her. "Who's Handy?" He asked.

Aimee rolled her eyes again. "Your hand. For a teacher you're not very wise are you?" She asked. She walked over to him. "Who said I'd even want sex with you again?"

"Me," Simon said as he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. He planted his lips on hers in a passionate kiss.

Aimee found herself kissing back. She knew it was wrong. That she shouldn't have gone there. But she couldn't help it. He was a drug to her.


Aimee walked into the staffroom. Grace was sitting with Max. She looked up. "Max has told me. You're sleeping with Simon?" She asked.

Aimee saw the smirk on Max's face and knew he was serious about telling Grace about their night together.

How did Aimee get herself out of this whole mess?

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