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Aimee hadn't talked to Simon since he had let slip that he still had some feelings for Sue. She hated how she felt like he had been stringing her along.

Aimee knew that all she wanted was for her baby to have a perfect little family. But she just didn't think it was possible.

She woke that morning to her phone buzzing. She saw it was Simon so she declined the call. She didn't want to see or speak to him.

Aimee quickly text Grace to check on her since she had gone into early labour. She got a reply quick enough:

'Taking her time. Like her auntie - Gx'

Aimee smiled. She couldn't wait until she had her own baby. Someone to love and cherish.

Aimee went into work. She saw Max and smiled. "I thought you'd be at the hospital with Grace? She's in labour you know."

"I know. But there's nothing I can do until she's ready to push. And she's not there yet," Max told her.

Aimee nodded. "Don't hurt her again Max. Or I swear I will kill you," she said as she looked to him.

Max laughed. "I won't. Trust me. I'm grateful for the second chance she's given me. Even if I did have to travel most of the U𝖪 to find her. And to get here," he said.

"You'll go to the end of the earth for love."

"True. How are you doing anyway?" Max asked as he looked at her.

Aimee smiled and put a hand on her bump. She smiled. "I'm doing good. I can't wait to meet my baby."

"You'll make an excellent mother."

Simon saw Aimee and scoffed. "We're having issues so you move onto Max Tyler? Bit low isn't it?" He said.

Aimee rolled her eyes. "If you must know, Grace has gone into early labour. So I was asking how my sister was. There's nothing going on with me and him," she told him.

"Course not."

Aimee scoffed. "Do you really think I'd go there with him? Seriously? He's the father of my niece."

Simon shrugged and sighed. "All I know is that you've been avoiding me since the other day. And I don't know why. Yeah I know I said that Sue and I were good. But you're my future. She's my past. I love you and I love our baby. Okay?"

Aimee sighed. "But it doesn't feel like it. It feels like you're always going to want Sue and not me. Despite me having your baby," she mumbled.


Aimee looked to him and sighed. "We just have to make this work. For the sake of our baby. It's all we can do," she told him.

Simon nodded and sighed. He knew that he wanted to make it all work. Especially for their baby. The tiny human they had made.

Simon took her hand and smiled. He looked at her. "We've got this. You know that right?"

"I hope so."

Aimee and Simon were cuddled up in her flat. Simon had a hand rested on her baby bump. He smiled. "I love you. You know that right?"

"I know. I love you too."

The two of them kissed just as Aimee's phone went off. It was a picture of Grace's baby. "Aww. I'm an auntie."

"She's beautiful."

"Our baby will soon be here soon enough. And then our life can begin."

Simon smiled and kissed her. He just had to somehow tell her that Sue was blackmailing him. And it was all down to a secret from his past.

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