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Aimee couldn't believe that Simon wanted a DNA test to prove the baby was his. She had no idea why he would even doubt that. All she knew was that she hated him at that moment in time.

That morning she woke and saw a text from Simon telling her that they had to talk. Aimee didn't want to. She knew what it would be. Him starting on her again.

Aimee left her bedroom and saw Grace. She smiled. "Where's Max? I thought he would be here."

"He was meant to come over last night. He didn't. I don't know why. And to be honest, I'm not sure I care. He can't understand that not everything in this life revolves around him. I have Belle to think of," Grace said.

Aimee nodded and smiled. "Simon text. He wants to see me when I get to work. I'm so worried about what he could start on me for now."

Grace took her hand. "Don't take it from him Aims. Stand your ground against him," she told her.

"I don't know. I want to know why he thinks I was cheating with Max. I wasn't."

Grace smiled. "Don't let it go to your head."

Aimee went into work. She saw Simon and sighed. He walked over to her. "Didn't think you'd have the guts to talk to me."

Aimee rolled her eyes and looked to him. "I don't know why you'd think the baby isn't yours. It is. Who else would be the father?" She asked.

"Maybe Max?"

"Now you're being ridiculous. You know you are," Aimee said as she looked to him. "I haven't cheated on you with anyone. I promise. If you don't wanna believe me, then fine. I can't be bothered with this."

Simon watched as she walked off. He rolled his eyes and sighed as Sue walked over to him. "Hello."

"Haven't you done enough damage? Leave me alone," Simon said.

Sue pouted as she looked to him. "I only told you the truth about Aimee. And you know it."

"Back off Sue."

Aimee was sitting in her classroom. She needed to be away from everyone. She hated how Simon had just turned on her for no reason.

He thought she had slept with Max. When she hadn't. She knew she had in the past. But that was when she was younger and naïve.

Aimee knew she didn't want anyone but Simon. But he didn't seem to understand that which hurt her.

Aimee walked into the Staffroom. She saw Sue standing there with Simon. She rolled her eyes. "Oh look. The cheating harlot," Sue mumbled under her breath.

Aimee turned to her. She scoffed. "That's what you wanted? Him to turn on me so you can have him. You're a lying little bitch. And you know it."

Sue smiled. "If anyone is a liar, it's you. You're sleeping with the father of your sister's baby. You're disgusting."

Aimee glared as Sue walked towards her. "I am not sleeping with Max Tyler! Now back off. Or I swear, I will ruin you," she spat as she looked to her.

Aimee shook her head and walked off. She wasn't taking it. Not anymore. She just couldn't be bothered with it at all.

Aimee was sitting in the flat with Grace. She had no idea what she was going to do about the whole Simon thing. But she knew one thing.

She wasn't going to let Sue Spark ruin her life anymore than she already was.

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