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Aimee sighed to herself as she walked into work. She groaned as she saw max who was watching her and glared "what do you want max?" Aimee asked knowing that she was not in the mood Whatsoever. Max looked to Aimee and smirked

"you know what I want Aimee, I want my baby from your sister and you are going to help me" max said as Aimee looked to him and rolled her eyes "what, your going to tell her goer us. That was ages ago and it was a drunken mistake and I was barely a kid then. She will forgive me do you actually think that she will even forgive you as I know that you still love her and that you want her back but if you try and take the baby, if you try and blackmail me you aren't in for a chance" Aimee said as she went to walk off

"if you dont help me then I will tell the whole staffroom over our affair with simon lowsley" max said as Aimee frowned. Aimee turned to face him and swallowed the lump in her throat. She knew what she and Simon were doing and how he was meant to be getting married but what they had was practically nothing. Aimee knew that she couldn't let max get one over on her

Aimee walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw grace. She walked over to her sister and smiled "how's it going?" Aimee asked as grace looked to her and smiled

"it's okay, Max won't give up on this, he wants to be the dad to this baby and I just don't know just don't know what to do" grace said as Aimee looked to her and smiled

"I know that you hate him but have you thought over giving him a chance, I know what he did but he is the dad to the baby. Maybe you give him a chance?" Aimee said as grace looked to her and sighed

"I don't know aims, I jut don't trust him. He's been keeping secrets and lying to me and after everything that he did. I just don't trust him when it comes to my baby" grace said as Aimee looked to her and smiled.

"I know but all I'm saying is your having his baby and that baby has a right to know who their father is after all" Aimee said as grace looked to her and smiled. Grace wanted to trust max but she didn't not when she felt as if he was messing with Aimee somehow.

Grace wasn't going trust max Tyler when it came to their baby and she didn't know what he was doing but she knew she didn't trust him at all

Aimee sat in the classroom and smiled as Simon walked in. He looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and sighed as she sat back in her chair and looked to him

"I have been better" Aimee said as he walked over to where she was sitting. "You look terrible, are you okay" Simon said

"max saw us, he knows about is and he is threatening to tell the whole staffroom including sue about us, unless I help him get the baby but I can't. She's my sister and I can't do that to her, I don't know what to do" Aimee said as Simon looked to her and smiled. He could tell how she was struggling

"I know you and I know that there is something else your not telling me" Simon said as Aimee looked to him and sighed "I made a mistake, I was seventeen and I slept with max, I was drunk and how he is holding it against me and I don't know what to do over it. It is all a mess" Aimee said as Simon walked over to her and pulled her to her feet and smiled

"it's okay, I promise" Simon said as he pulled her into a hug. Max needed to know he couldn't get everything his own way by hurting others

Aimee walked into graces classroom and smiled "I need to talk to you and I don't want you to hate me" Aimee said as grace frowned

"what is it?" Grace asked as Aimee sighed knowing how she had no choice but to tell grace the truth

"Simon and I..the affair is still going on I know I said I ended it but I couldn't stay away from him and max, he's blackmailing me over it" Aimee said as grace sighed

"it's okay I'll deal with max" grace said as Aimee sighed

"that's not it, it's...when I was seventeen, when I was into my party days. I went out and got drunk and max and I slept together, I'm so sorry I was ashamed and he said if I didn't help him get the baby he'd tell you" Aimee said as grace looked to her with one thought in her head.

She was going to kill max Tyler

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