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Aimee had enough of Sue Spark and how she had ruined her life. She knew that everything between her and Simon had just been ruined. All because of Sue and her jealousy that Simon was moving on.

That morning, Aimee woke. She groaned as she heard her mum's voice. She left the bedroom and saw her there. "It's my other baby! How you doing my girl?" She asked.

"I'm fine mum. Don't worry about me."

"Well I do worry about you. I worry that you're going to end up like Grace here. A single mummy," Claire said.

Aimee rolled her eyes. "Oh thanks. I appreciate that."

"You're welcome. Now. You and Grace are off to the school. Me and Belle are going to town. We're going to buy baby Aimee something," Claire said.

Aimee again rolled her eyes. She knew how messy it was and she wasn't in the mood to deal with it. She knew how her mum was quirky. And it annoyed her sometimes.

Aimee went into work. She saw Simon and sighed. Aimee hated how they weren't even talking. He just looked at her and looked away.

Aimee walked inside and smiled. Nikki walked towards her. "Sue has been kicking off says you've done something to her car."

"Oh please. I haven't done anything at all. I've just gotten here,"Aimee said.

"Ignore her. She's just gobby because Simon has told her to shut her mouth. She's trying to start on you," Nikki said as she smirked.

Aimee scoffed and sighed. "Honestly? I don't care anymore. He's broken my heart more than once. He made me feel like crap when I haven't done anything wrong. I've been accused of cheating on him. When I've never," she said.

"I know. Simon just doesn't understand how to act. I just don't know why he won't talk to you.  He really is a pompous git," Nikki said.

Aimee was in her classroom when Simon walked in. He sighed. "What did you do to Sue car?" He asked as he looked to her.

"Nothing. I didn't touch her precious car.I wouldn't. I'm not that immature. So why don't you just accuse someone else of messing with your lovely Sue's car?" She said.

Simon rolled his eyes. "This is why we can't work. You're too immature."

Aimee scoffed. "I'm immature? You accuse me of cheating on you. When I never. I'm not that kind of girl who would cheat. And not with my the father of my sister's baby! That's sick to even think about," she said.

Simon turned and walked off. Aimee stood there with a smile on her face. She wasn't taking his crap anymore.

Not when she hadn't done anything to deserve it. She knew how she wanted him back. But she wasn't going to have him back if he didn't change.

She knew she hated how they had fallen apart. But she wasn't going to let anything else happen.

Aimee walked out to her car. She saw Sue there and sighed. She knew that Sue was going to say something to her. "Just spit it out. I'm too tired to deal with you."

"Oh what I've got say can be said in front of people. You won't get away with what you've done," Sue said.

"Bye Sue."

But Aimee had no idea just how far Sue was about to push her.

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