Chapter 40: Children of the Sky

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This is the chapter of revelations. Hoping you will like it :).

Neytiri's POV

We won against the People of Heaven, thanks to Eywa, but not without paying a heavy tribute. From what was left of the forces populating the Tree of Souls before the battle, I could see great emptiness and tears everywhere, despite the relief.

And we were not spared by that. Tsu'tey had been mortally wounded and had demanded that Jake take his place, before returning to Eywa. It made sense. Nevertheless, will Jake be up to the task?

While I was wondering about the uncertain future of my clan, a concern immediately came to me. I did not see Lutsey return and my anxiety mounted.

Jake: Neytiri, are you okay? You seem worried.

Me: Yes. I'm afraid for my sister. I haven't seen her since we came back.

Jake: She helped me reach the bird threatening the Tree of Souls. The last time I saw her she was being chased by a metal bird.

Thank you Jake! That made me feel much better! Suddenly, I saw a young na'vie getting closer to us and I recognized Ni'nat, one of our singers.

Ni'nat: Neytiri, your mother asked me that you join her in her personal quarters.

Why would she want to see me? Maybe to discuss again the role that was intended for me, with Jake.

Me: Thank you Ni'nat. Did you see my sister come back?

She gave me a smile, which immediately calmed my anxiety.

Ni'nat: Yes, Neytiri. Nevertheless, she fainted and your mother saw fit to take care of her first.

Me: Thank you, once again.

With these words, she bowed her head, before joining her group. I immediately turned to my love and Toruk makto, a slightly sorry look. Indeed, I was going to leave him with some tribal chiefs, and he was just a chief. He gave me another one of his innocent and honest smiles, which made my heart capsize.

Jake: I understand, my yawnetu. And then I managed to handle them once. I can do well a second time.

Me: Tsu'tey was there to help you.

He shrugged his shoulders at that line.

Jake: I'll improvise. Don't worry about that. Go back to your family. It will ease your fears.

Me: Thank you, my love.

With those words, I gave her a tender kiss and love, before going to my mother's personal quarters.

I found her laying various foods in front of Lutsey, who was asleep. Her energy showed that she was calmed and was connected to another, like a member of the People of Heaven. But...I felt something inside her. It was small, barely perceptible.

Mother: Don't worry, my daughter. Your sister is just resting, after she has fed a little.

I would walk by her side before I knelt down. I reached out my hand to my little sister's face, caressing her tenderly.

Me, smiling: She kept her innocent look when she sleeps.

It also made my mother smile, who looked at our last one with tenderness.

Me: Do you know what's wrong with her, Mother?

Mother: Yes, my daughter. I knew it as soon as I saw the first symptoms.

I looked at her, confused.

Me: What do you mean?

She remained silent, still looking at Lutsey with tenderness and...Seeming happy. On the one hand, her two daughters came back alive. So it was understandable that she was.

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