Chapter 26: Duel of wills! The chief against his apprentice

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Hello! Here is the continuation with the revenge between Ben and Lutsey, of their first duel. Feel free to comment or vote ( if you like ).

Above, an unfinished sequence of the duel between Tsu'tey and Jake.

The next morning,

Lutsey was swimming in the water. Since Tsylan taught her how to swim and how to overcome her fear of water, she often bathed to forget her problems. Swimming emptied her mind and she didn't know why. Nevertheless, the young warrior did not complain and is even in a dreamy mood today. She still had her mind at the dance of life and at this unique moment shared with the chosen one in her heart.

Of course, she expected that her choice would not be shared but she didn't care. The young chief was, at last, freed from a weight that weighed on her. At least partly, but that was enough for now. While she felt the coldness of the water massaging her blue body, the young native felt her spirit wandering, passing by again seeing the walker in dream with his look so cironspect when he was invited.

The native swam for a long time, carried away in her reverie before returning to the shore. She came out of the water, revealing her graceful and muscular body on the abdominal area due to her workouts. Her finely sculpted arms and legs hid a great strength that she had been able to work on during her training and over the years. Lutsey walked towards her clothes, which she had placed not far from her, showing the dagger in its sheath on her left side.

She had barely put on her loincloth when she heard a movement to her right. Remaining calm, she placed one hand on her wrist before speaking. Although her instincts told her the identity of the voyeur, she was still cautious.Lutsey: You can come out. As she expected, it was Tsylan who came out of the foliage. His eyes were closed and he looked red. The same tone of color as yesterday.

Tsylan: Sorry! It was an accident!

Lutsey with a smile: I believe you, Tsylan.

Tsylan seemed a little reassured: Well, uh... Just tell me when you're done.

Lutsey kept smiling, very amused by the situation.

Lutsey; Do I make you nervous?

Tsylan even redder: Stupid question !

Lutsey laughed but she saw the opportunity to get close to him and maybe, break the shell preventing her from getting his heart.

Tsylan: Are you done?

Ludsey approaching him: No I'm still topless.

Lutsey to herself: And I don't expect to be finished anytime soon. Ludsey contemplated the torso she had longed for so much, with interest, she placed a gentle kiss on it, letting a shiver escape from it. Then she gently tied her hands to hers, caressing it delicately. Fingers firm and dry, like a warrior. The young chief went up slightly and arrived at the arm. She felt her heart accelerating as she climbed up and felt the curves of the arm. Even though Tsylan was one of the smallest warriors, his peculiar body showed that he was far from being a novice. This peculiarity had caught the young chief's eye ever since she first saw him in her vision. And being able to draw him with her fingers was, for her, a fantasy come true and she could feel his heart beating frantically as his body began to translate his burning desire more and more into her.

As for Tsylan, he remained motionless during his inspection. He shuddered and had a jerky breath as she came up. He seemed to enjoy it. Reassured by this impression, she continued, now caressing her right forearm. This skin... She was not coming back from this softness and she felt the fire of her heart grow more and more intense.
She was now stroking her right shoulder. Sonr already began to burn in her heart and the young chief tried to contain herself but the flame grew stronger with each caress she delivered to this gentle body. She continued despite her growing desire. The young olo'eyktan lowered her hand, caressing her chest, panting from the fire inside her.

The threads of destiny ( English Version of " Les fils du Destin")जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें