Chapter 13: The Decision of the olo'eykte of the Menariyä Tunti

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Hello! Here is the continuation with the arrival at the Kelutral of the Menariyä. Above is a representation of Lutsey, drawn by Vrrtep, another member of the Com'ava website. Feel free to start or to vote (if you liked it).

Lutsey led his prisoner to the entrance of the Keulutral, which majestically dominated the rest of the forest around him. As she brought her prisoner, she found two guards who were responsible for keeping watch for the night.

Menariyä tunti in a scornful tone when she saw Ben: Olo'eyktan, why did you bring this demon here? And why did you leave unattended? What would become of the clan if something happened to you?

The former soldier blinked, not believing what he heard.

Ben surprised: Olo'Eyktan ?

Lutsey ignoring Ben: I'm old enough to take care of myself. I don't need anyone to watch over me. Suddenly, a young woman who looked exactly like her captor arrived and stared at Ludsey sternly.

Joltsyn: Big sister, you're being unreasonable; Imagine....

Lutsey: I know. But I prefer to be alone when I go into the forest. I can forget my problems. Do you understand that little sister?

Joltsyn: Yes, just as I know your reasons for bringing this tawtute here.

With these words, she watched the prisoner from top to bottom. It was the person Lutsey described to her from his vision. But she still did not understand Eywa's intentions towards this young tawtute.

Joltsyn: Do you think it's him, big sister?

Lutsey: Yes

The guards looked at them with astonished eyes, not seeming to understand. As for the prisoner, his mind seemed to be elsewhere.

Joltsyn: Are you sure of yourself?

Lutsey: Yes, these visions must have a purpose. Besides, I don't want our children to live in fear of the People of Heaven anymore. And if our Mother tells us that we must trust one of them, I have to do it. With those words, she took him to the entrance in front of a crowd of hateful looks while Ben looked at them with a jaded look. Either he was playing the fairground attraction or he was death.

Ben: What did I do to be in this situation?

Once she arrived at her destination, that is to say in the center of the floor with a spiral-shaped corridor, she entrusted her prisoner to two guards. Then she went to change into her olo'eyktan outfit before returning. She stood in front of the spiral and addressed her people, trying to make them understand the importance of this human.

Lutsey: My People, your attention please. I know your resentment of this demon to share with you myself. However, Eywa predicted that it will be one of his outsiders who will allow our clan to make the People of Heaven pay for their actions.

She was expecting protest but not from the person concerned.


Ben: Hello! You're going to calm your enthusiasm right away. I don't...

But the threat of a blade on his braid interrupted him. He looked Lutsey in the eyes, clenching his teeth and fists in rage. He didn't want to lose his avatar, but he wasn't going to help them against his race in any way. He wasn't a traitor and he was going to let them know that. Olo'eyktan or not.

Ben: I am not a traitor! I will never help you in a war! Never!

This statement caused deep tension within the clan. How dare he speak to their leader in this way?

Joltsyn: Do you know that you are condemning yourself to death for...

Suddenly, a white selve flew through the crowd. Such a presence among the Kelutral was rare and everyone was astonished to see it. The seed flew again before settling on the prisoner's left shoulder, simulating a kind of comforting but also protective hand. Ben could hear some sort of comforting mumbling in his head, judging by the tone, but it was too low for him to hear clearly. However, his heart felt strangely soothed and this hadn't happened to him in years. As for the clan and Joltsyn, anger was immediately replaced by amazement at this strange sight.

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