Chapter 16: Conflict and Feelings

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Hello, here is the continuation with a small duel. Feel free to comment and vote ( if you like )

Lutsey: But a little more! Are you still as bad as ever??

Ben: I'm not good with the bow.

Lutsey: I don't care. I'm your tutor and I think that mastering the bow is important, and the pilot will caricature it once she has looked away. The pilot caricatured her once she looked away, but a laugh cut him off.

Ben: A simpleton coming! What am I going to be entitled to again?

Menariyä tunti: But go on, tawtute! I'm not holding you back. Show us your skill! I'm sure that even a child would know how to handle the bow better than you. The pilot laughed when he heard these words.

Ben: Sorry! But you have a sense of humor.

Lutsey didn't understand the pilot's words. Why was he provoking him? Unless the Sawtute are always so arrogant?

Menariyä tunti: You can laugh tawtute!

Ben: If you say so my.... Who again?

Menariyä tunti: Koltyey

Ben: Koltyey....You talk a lot for a Warrior. Sorry... I forgot you're a guy who talks a lot instead of acting. If you're so strong, why don't you show me?

With these words, he handed the bow to his tutor, which surprised her

Lutsey :Nang !But the pilot cut off the young warrior's momentum with a movement of his arm.

Koltyey Are you challenging me?

Ben: Is it disturbing?

Koltey What are you hoping for? Given your performance, you don't stand a chance.

Ben: Then why are you arguing? Could it be fear?

Lutsey couldn't believe his eyes. She couldn't understand why he would challenge a brother, given his performance. As for Koltyey, he felt stung to the core. Of course, he courted her, but she always rejected his advances, because her heart did not point to him as her chosen one.

Koltyey: Well tawtute.

Ben: We'll do it with our bare hands. I want to keep my promise.

Koltyey laughed: Who is?

Ben replied with a smile and a "no" with his finger before moving into a defensive position. As for his opponent, he placed himself in a more aggressive posture, his eyes watching his opponent's posture.

Ben: What is it? Are you afraid of being spanked?

Koltyey: I'm not afraid of your kind. Especially someone as arrogant as you!

Ben with a smile: Really? But so be it. Since you're too impressed by my presence, I'm going to come to you.

On this word, he took a thrust and launched an assault. Koltyey smiled at such recklessness and moved to the right. The native retaliated with a punch to the face, but he was surprised by the speed of the human's parry. As if he had perfectly predicted the movement. His assault offered an opening to the pilot who hastened to take with a powerful left fist towards the belly, taking his breath away and making him move back several steps.

Ben of a smile: Come on! Do not tell me that a small blow will put down a warrior of your temperament!

Lutsey was beginning to see his apprentice's game but not his opponent. The latter got up immediately and threw a powerful right fist towards his stomach. But the pilot dodged him with a step to the side and shifted the next elbow with strange ease using his arm, doing so . Frustrated at being humiliated in this manner, Koltyey responded with a powerful left fist to the pilot's face. Unfortunately, the driver seemed to have popped his punch and stopped it with his right hand. Both trembled, showing the force of the shock.

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