Chapter 17: New Name

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Here is the continuation, with a comparison between the two characters ). Feel free to comment or vote (if you like ).

The young warrior went to the nearest river to the Kelutral of her clan. Her greatest fear.

She still remembered her fall when she was young. Of the cold sensation invading her skin, the air missing from her lungs and the darkness darkening her vision.

Since that day, she lived with the haunting memory and could not put one foot in the water. The young chief looked at the water with a certain fear and made an attempt to reach this threatening expanse. No sooner did she put a toe to the water than she immediately moved back, closing her eyes. The unpleasant sensations of her drowning came back to her mind vividly. Lutsey took an inspiration to give herself courage before facing the element again.Lutsey: I am an olo'eyktan! I have to face my fears and she put one foot down and immediately turned back. That terrible memory came back. She was missing the air, the darkness darkening her vision.

Voice: We've got a big problem I see, olo'eyktan.

She turned around and saw the human arriving, with his youthful, arrogant face.

Lutsey: That's not your problem!

Ben: That's right. But what I do know is that you need help.

Lutsey: I don't need you.

Ben, smile, look up: I do.... I believe you.

Lutsey: So what? You'd be the last person I'd ask.

Ben: And you asked my opinion when you brought me into your clan?

Lutsey gritted his teeth in rage. How dare he speak to her like that? That demon...

Tsylan: Listen... you're my teacher. I'm offering to be yours.

Lutsey laughed.

Lutsey: To teach me what?

Ben: To fight your fear. Miss is a great warrior but to be a fish, there's no one left. She turned her head, looking very angry.

Lutsey: An olo'eyktan must be able to solve his problems alone.

Tsylan: Everyone needs help at some point in their lives. The key is to accept it when it comes.

Lutsey: I...

He pushed her into the water before she had time to react. The contact with the water made her feel an uncontrollable fright. And she started to panic and wiggle her hands all over the place. As for Ben, he raised his eyes to the skies before speaking.

Ben: You can walk, you know?

Lutsey stopped wiggling and noticed, indeed, that her feet were touching the ground below the water. She felt ridiculous. Lutsey: It's not funny! Tsylan continued until she had tears in her eyes, turning her face bright red with anger and shame. Finally, he stopped and calmed down.

Ben: Okay, I'll teach you the basics. At least I'll try.

Lutsey One. No more.

Ben: Miss is going to put her pride aside! You don't learn to swim in one session!

Lutsey: I'm...

Ben by getting closer: Olo'eyktan, I know. But right now, you are my student.

Lutsey: I never said....

Ben in a bossy tone: Stop being such a child! Now look what I'm doing.

The young chief was surprised by this tone of voice used by her apprentice and kept silent, looking at the apprentice. As for his apprentice, he lay down on the water and wiggled his feet, provoking a small wave wetting his tutor.

The threads of destiny ( English Version of " Les fils du Destin")Where stories live. Discover now