Chapitre 20: Dispute

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Voici la suite, avec le départ de Lutsey pour son clan adoptif. N'hésitez pas à commenter et à voter (si vous aimez ).

One month later,

Before launching the connection, Ben was consulting in the archives of Hells Gate, the cases concerning the Menariyä Tunti who are classified as missing.

He observed pictures of bulldozers or mining equipment in poor condition with arrows with different feathers scattered all over the place. Some were planted on human corpses. Military as workers. While drinking his vitaminized juice, he looked at the legend marked below

Saylor Mine, July 24, 2134 after the raid of the Menariyä tunti

Ben tried to consult further but a voice interrupted him. That of Max.

Max: Hi Ben. Are you watching something? Ben hurriedly closed the tab before putting away his datapad.

Ben: I'm learning a little bit about indigenous culture.

Max with a smile: Didn't you already know what you needed? Besides, you have a personal teacher, don't you?

Ben with a smile: Memory aids are always useful.

Max: Well said. But you have to start the connection. Ben finished his juice and put his datapad in his pocket. He went to his module and opened the lid before getting inside. He put the information they had just read in the corner of his head.

He lay down and closed his eyes, waiting for the link to be launched.

Lutsey looked at Tsylan's still sleeping body in his hammock next to his own. She opened hers and climbed up the branch supporting him with agility.

With her tail straight but agitated, she yawned before heading down the corridor to get dressed.

Once she reached her personal corner, she took off her breast cover to put on her olo'eyktan outfit, thinking about what was happening to her.

Joltsyn: What's up big sister? The young olo'eyktan finished putting on her olo'eyktan outfit before answering.

Ludsey: No little sister. Joltsyn raised her ears, worried.

Joltsyn: This story with Vylia again?

Ludsey sighed: I have thoughts, feelings, that I shouldn't have.

Joltsyn: You should take a step back.

Lutsey's tail wagged frantically as his ears lowered. She looked at him with her cold gaze.

Lutsey: And leave him to this profiteer? Out of the question!

Joltsyn: Lutsey, you let your feelings get in the way of your judgment. You really need to relax your mind.

Lutsey: He's my apprentice!

Joltsyn: Listen to you, big sister! You're acting like he promised you! If Tsylan and Vylia love each other, there's nothing you can do about it.

Lutsey lowered her eyes and ears sadly as she thought of that possibility. Feeling the sadness, his sister was already regretting her words.

Joltsyn: Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.

Lutsey: No, you're right. I am olo'eyktan. I have the responsibility of the clan members on my shoulders. There's no room for sentiment.

Joltsyn: You're wrong, big sister. I was thinking the same thing until I met Twilo. Denying what you feel will only eat you up from the inside.

Lutsey felt a tear run down his right cheek. His heart hurt him every time she saw Vylya with the dream walker. She had hoped for a rapprochement when she offered him a chey, but Tsylan always remained so distant.

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