Chapter 1: First Steps

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Hello! I'm here to present you my fan-fiction about James Cameron's Avatar universe, in English version.
Here is the first chapter with the arrival of the main heroine.
I hope you'll like it. Feel free to comment, as long as you remain respectful.

Mo'at didn't want to be Tsahik, but it was either that or give up his love for Eytukan. Eywa had decided so and she had thus followed the training of Tsak until the death of the mother of her partner, Talxyn, left to join their goddess in her sleep. Eytukan, him, followed his training of chief. The future Tsahik was already the mother of two daughters that she gave birth to. She named her elder daughter Sylwanin, six years old, and her younger daughter Neytiri who was in her second year. She had until the next sunrise before taking up her duties as Tsahik. Mo'at then decided to hunt Metabetes with a group of three taronyus on their Ikrans. But as they found their prey, they heard sounds of explosions far to the east of their positions. Her first thought was of the People of Heaven. What was it attacking? Or rather who?

Mo'at: Ayoeng sweylu omilvun fwalen (We need to know what's hapening)
Taronyu 1: Srane my Tsahik. Slä oeng kisya. Nga lu nihwang lestrantena fpi olo sngeyä. (Yes Tsahik, but we will go alone. You are far too important for our tribe).

But Mo'at did not listen to him. She put her Ikran towards the place where the noise came from, soon followed by her Saronyu. It took them some time before they reached their destinations. And what they found horrified them. In what used to be a village populated by a clan, there were fires, consuming the vegetation around it, and they saw the bodies of Pa'lis, Ikrans and members of the People. From what they saw, some were covered with red holes on the body or head. Others had severe burn marks or were blackened. In the distance, a gigantic burning tree can be seen reinforcing the tragic aspect of the scene.

Taronyu 2:Pesu soli tsa'u ?(Who did this ?)
Mo'at: Aystupe Kawnglanä (evil people)

They landed in front of it. And there they saw, with certainty, the extent of the disaster. The spectacle of the corpses piled on top of each other accentuated their disgust. But, they distinguished between robots with broken windows and small beings with either no head, bodies cut in half or with cuts the size of a native's blade.

Mo'at, clenching teeth in rage: Tawä haxpxitu pak !( Sky's People! )
Taronyu 1: Tsa-hey! ayoeng tsasypang faywrrtep pak! (we will kill these demons!)
The future Tsahik shared her feeling but she knew that attacking this people would be suicide because of the superiority of their weapons and armor.
Mo'at: Pxoeng zene omilvun fiolo' fpi tslam fwa foltem (We need to know who this clan was in order to understand what happened).
Taronyu 2: Tsaw lu ftuäng ! Sawtute skola'a fiolo ! It's simple, the Sawtute have decimated this clan!
Mo'at: Srane. Slä tsalu lekin fpi leioae si smuktu sneyä. Yes, but it is necessary to honor our brothers and sisters.
Suddenly they heard a cry like an infant.

Taronyu 2: atemrey'aw ! A survivor!
Taronyu 1: Fu 'awe .

Following the cries coming from their right, they came out of the ruins of the old village and walked until they found a woman on the path with leather straps pierced through with bullets and partly burned in the face. She was carrying something in her arms. Given her protective position, she seemed to want to protect what she was carrying. In fact, the screams were coming from this little being.

Na'vi: Mawey.... Txo ngal ketimvxey... ma ite oeyä... Sno rìlyun ngaru sì...Oe ketsun zivong nga... muvelo. (Calm down... If you don't stop... my daughter... they will find us and ...I won't be able to save you... a second time...)
Mo'at: Ma Silwyn ?

The woman turned her head weakly towards the Tsahik. At that moment, she noticed with horror that the hair of the Tsahik on the left side had disappeared. Her childhood friend's face was partly burned on the left side as well as part of her body and the left eye remained closed. The young Tsahik knows from now on that the clan that was decimated was that of her best friend.

The threads of destiny ( English Version of " Les fils du Destin")Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang