"The door of doom." Celeste stared at it, shaking an awful memory

"Thats a stupid name."

"You were the one who gave it that name." She tsked

"I know. Its stupid."

"How do we get in?" Celeste peered around, looking for something to pry open the lock. "I can use my knives? We can pry it open."She shrugged

"No." I said, " We don't want to attract attention to the frame once we're inside. We need a key."

"Well where the hell are we gonna get a key, huh?"

It was as if my cries had been my leverage, reeling luck in by a chain. A guard turned around the corner, a key rested between their gloved palms, like they were preparing to unlock the door to the Immunes for us. They stopped and looked at Celeste and I for a confused moment.

"Looks like the odds are in our favor." I whispered to Celeste and smirked under my helmet.

"State your business here." The guard demanded, her tone impatient.

"Were taking prisoners to the lab." Celeste replied, swallowing a breath.

"No." The guard straightened her back "That's what I was sent to do."

"Well uh...there must be a mix up." Celeste awkwardly answered .

"There are never mix ups." The guards voice picked up with anger as she marched towards us, her hand hovering over the rake latched in her belt, "You guys aren't supposed to be here."

" Shit." Celeste mumbled scarcely. Oh please Cel.

"Imposters! I'm going to have to take you to the Sector administrator." Her voice grew more aggressive, her body hulking closer.

I turned to Celeste, it was as if I watched her dark eyes roll straight through her mask. She knew me well enough to figure out my plan. I shrugged and marched my chest up to the guard. "Sorry sweetie, but that's not going to work. Pardon me."

She ripped the rake out of her pocket, but before she could even press the button to send the blade bolting towards my stomach, I reeled my fist back, and launched my arm forward, plunging my knuckles hard into the side of her armored helmet, twisting her neck to the side. She stumbled back, the rake in her hands hitting the floor with a ping, along with her body tumbling backwards, hitting the ground like stone. Out cold in a single punch.

I shook out my fist, it pulsed with pain for a moment, but the burn quickly went away. Damn, I forgot how hard those helmets are.

I could hear my breath beating under my mask as I peered over the guards body. I reached down and grabbed the key from her hand. As I was standing up, I took my helmet off and tossed it under my arm so I could swallow a cold taste of fresh air. I picked up my hand, wiping sweat from my brow and looked at Celeste. Her helmet was off too. Her long black hair laid messily in a tangled braid over her shoulder, sweat shining her forehead from the bulky mask. I smirked and she shot an eye roll.

"There could have been a more civilized way to get that key."

"Probably." I shrugged, "But what's the fun in that."

Celeste tossed another eyeroll. I was surprised her eyes weren't stuck to the back of her head yet. I threw the key and Celeste caught it in her fingers.

"You ready?" Celeste said, sticking the key in the door.
I took a deep breath. I thought of Evelyn for a second. I wondered how she was doing...if everything was okay. Focus.

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