7- The Test

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I woke up the next morning with a nervous feeling in my stomach. What is this test I'm going to be taking? What if I don't pass...what will I do? I took a deep breath and sat up in my bed.

I looked around and admired the bright colors everywhere. I wrapped my hands in my knees and just stared at the walls...they were mesmerizing. Decorated with pictures and colors...unlike anything I've seen before.

I heard a knock at my door...it was Celeste and Ileana.

"good morning Evelyn" Celeste greeted, with her smooth English accent.

"Hi Evelyn." Ileana said softly.

"Don't be nervous for your test today...ok?" Celeste looked at me "I know you'll be fine."

"But...how can I pass. I don't even know what I'm walking into. Can you at least tell me what I have to do?"

Celeste began laying out my clothes for me on my bed. She sighed.

"I'm afraid we can't do that dear." Celeste looked at Ileana.

I sulked my head down. Why the hell is everything so secretive here?

I got dressed and Celeste took me to this big stone building. We went inside the building, and headed to this small circular room.

"We're gonna wait out here...you go inside there" Celeste pointed at a white door.

"When you get in there, ask to see Dorris."

I nodded. My heart was racing out of my chest...I was so nervous.

"Good luck." Said Ileana

"I know you're going to pass," said Celeste placing her hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at them and turned the cold handle on the door. I walked into an all white room with a circular roof...it reminded me of Detra. I ushered up to what seemed to be a reception desk and approached a petite man sitting who sat quietly reading a book.

"um...uh...excuse me" I choked.

The man looked up from his novel and gave me a blank stare, waiting for me to say something.

"May I see Dorris?"

"Ahh...you're here for your test huh?"

I nodded. This was all very weird. It seemed so serious for such a small society of outcasts... This place wasn't for just ordinary people.

"Second door to your right." The man said.

I slowly approached the door, and turned the knob. A lady sat inside. I suppose she was Doris.

"I heard you'd come." She said, "please sit down. " She looked older, and had short blonde hair that she complimented with dark red lipstick.

I entered the room and sat on a long white chair. It look like the chairs I used to sit in when I would go to the dentist.

"Now" she said, handing me a set of big bulky glasses. "Put these on."

I carefully wrapped the glasses around my head while she hooked three big wires to my chest. What the hell is going on?

"Once you have those on, I'm going to give you an injection that will put you to sleep and send you into a specific dream state. Once you are in deep, I'm going to use the glasses to project certain scenarios in your head. I will dig into your darkest memories to come up with the perfect test, and I will be able to watch your every move through this monitor" Doris pointed to a screen hanging on the ceiling. I was overwhelmed with what I had just heard.

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