To Do Or Not To- Is a Stupid Question

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“I will think about it. But for what?”

“I mean, I can totally blame it on the wine, but still…”

“Blame what on the wine?”

“This.” He whispered, pulling my face towards him as he gently kissed me. So, previously, in a fit of literary eloquence, I might have describe the art of kissing as the good old ‘fireworks’ and ‘dynamite’. You know what this was? This was just- out of the world. It cannot be described by measly fireworks to say how it felt, but it is just something a hell lot more. That might probably because the pain of separation makes it the right amount of relief, or the way he did kiss me, full of the desperation of what lies inevitable for us, but whatever it really was, it just felt so darn good. I remembered the way my heart skidded and picked up double speed when he groaned huskily as I kissed him back. I remembered my fingers tangling into his thick, soft hair, giving away to the sheer relief of this action. I remembered his arms wrapping tightly around me, pulling me to him as the kisses just turned frantic and too sweet. It was probably uncomfortable in the confined place, but it definitely didn’t matter to either of us.

“Oh my God, what am I even going to do now?” he asked, his voice sounding strained and husky as he stared at me with molten eyes blazing with desire.

“You can definitely kiss me again” I replied back breathlessly, all sense of rationale having just told me goodbye.

He smirked at me, stroking my cheek lightly. “Most definitely” he promised before crashing his lips against mine again. I stroked his stubbled cheek softly, the entire closeness just making me realize how much I had been missing this.  

“I cant- I cant stay away now, I just cant.” He said, breathing hard as he straightened back. “If this much of pressure is on one single individual, they will combust.”

“H-huh?”I asked very intelligently, my brain still lacking coherence from that absolutely sweet time in oblivion I had right now.

He pressed his forehead against mine, still breathing deeply, his eyes locked with mine unblinkingly. :I cannot. I just cannot.”

“Then don’t.” I whispered back.

He let out a frustrated groan and began kissing me again. This time, I completely and totally felt like he was giving in, that whatever crazy thing that was keeping him away had just vanished because he just cant anymore. He wrecked his lips away from mine, his expression anguished.

“But I cant- I cant just do that!”

It felt cold all over again as I glared in exasperation at this impossible man. “What do you want?”

He gave me an Are-you-even-serious look. “You of course.”

“Then what’s your effing PROBLEM?”

“The fact that wanting you also means wanting you FINE and out of trouble! That’s my problem!”

“No, its not your problem, its no one’s problem!”

“You cant even say that, if you only realize-” I cut him off by leaning forward and kissing him hard again, my open eyes glaring at his widened ones in the process. He attempted to talk further, but I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers reaching for his hair as I tugged at the silky locks gently. “Oh, for god’s sake” he mumbled, locking his arms around me and taking charge.

Damn, talk about the need to get out of here” a dry voice commented from above.

I shrieked and looked around, while Vidhyuth just nuzzled his lips softly against my cheek, not even looking there. “Rithwik, go away.”

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