How Do You Know You Are In Trouble?

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If fate was a person, I have an important question to ask that person.

How are you enjoying playing with my life?

There I was, Sameera Kapoor, minding her own business and doing everything in her power to stay out of Vidhyuth Chopra’s hair as self protection. Could it have been going so smoothly for probably infinity? NO. Fate had to make me hit myself against that stupid chinaware and make me open my darn mouth to curse and make him hear that and make him look at me with those grey eyes which are so intense that I wake up at night feeling all tingly. And then I had to bump into his company again?

Somewhere fate, you will have to join my team and then we will see about my revenge.

Currently, being with this guy in the car was- nerve wracking. I was feeling nervous which usually is like an open invitation for me to talk endlessly and uselessly. I was also feeling scared because his bodyguard looked like a combination of Cena’s good looks and bulk and Big Show’s height. It was like he was daring me to talk out loud. Granted, I had argued with him against waking up Vidhyuth, but at that time, there was a purpose in my continuous talking. I don’t think he would appreciate endless idiocies.

Trust Vidhyuth to employ no nonsense body guards.

Speaking of which, The Grey eyed devil was peacefully and calmly seated next to me, tapping away in his phone, his hair falling messily on his forehead, an epitome of relaxation and annoyance. Should I talk to him? Or should I just shut up?

“You are silent” he said suddenly, his eyes still on the phone.

I started. Was he talking to me? As in, initiating conversation?

“Y-Yeah, I am” I replied as I realized he was.

“Isn’t that a surprise?” he murmured, smiling a little.

“Are you possessed by someone nice?” I blurted out, mystified beyond imagination when seeing his smile.

“And you’re back” he said, looking at me now, his silver eyes illuminated by the light from the phone.

“I could’ve stayed at the office” I grumbled.

“You can, but you are not going to. So there.”

I looked at him resentfully. “I had planned an entire night alone in that awesome building, playing karaoke in that great TV room and eating a lot, but you had to ruin it.”

“You wanted to spend the night alone?”

“Yeah! its awesome in there, you don’t know!”

He matched my beaming expression with his usual expressionless one. “You are so weird.”

“Look who is talking” I replied back, thankful that my senses and chivalry had made a reappearance.

He rolled his eyes but didn’t give me his usual I-will-kill-you-anytime glare which, by the way, I am not missing. “Why did you actually hide under the desk?”

As he didn’t sound threatening, merely curious, I decided to try answering that ridiculous question. Why did I say its ridiculous, you want to know? The answer was as obvious as serial killers existing in this world; it was because looking at him after that stupid moment where I was bawling like a baby in his arms and hearing him consoling me was pretty much impossible for my senses. And also because his company makes me day dream.

He wont get to know the second reason ever.

“Well, because- because-”


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