Being Sameera Kapoor Is Not Easy, You Know.

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There are three things I do when I am impossibly angry.

I cry. I eat ice cream and then I watch a movie.

But these don’t hold if I am supremely angry. If I am supremely angry I go to sleep.

Yeah, yeah, I am harmless, I know. so, I slept for an undisputed 18 hours, and after I got up, world felt foggy and disoriented for a while. Then I remembered the reason.

Vidhyuth should not have done it. He should know that I am not to be ‘closed over’ or ‘fixed’. He took an information I wouldn’t normally tell out loud and gave it up and I don’t know if I liked that. He might say that his intentions were for my benefit, but he didn’t seem to get that they were NOT.

Though I was extremely angry, I knew that it would be beneath me to mope about it. I cant do that because it was not me.  So, for the next few days, I was constantly what you normal people would call busy. I was researching on some of the courses for study, I was helping Mom research for her case, I let Abhinav have the information that the people gave me (he and I had entered into a temporary truce, you peeps might be happy to know) and I also worked on the new marketing venture that Davidson was going to advertise on. All through this, though I wanted to very much act on the contrary, I didn’t communicate with him and neither did he. I knew that he knew that I was angry so he was laying off, but some part of me wanted the phone calls and his agitated tone. But I had to understand that even I wouldn’t want him to talk to me on the phone, so many thousands of miles away. If he wanted to tell me something, face to face would be the best.

And also, as I constantly reminded myself irritably, I was angry with him.

On a lazy Saturday night, when I had finally taken an evening off, Mom and Dad had gone for some corporate party and Abhi and Tanya had gone for their high school reunion. Having the house to myself and being tired out of my mind were a good combination, I thought to myself as I relaxed on the couch with the good old Harry Potter for the seventy fifth time, with Big Bang Theory playing on the TV.

“Well, mind. We had been fried for the past week. Let us relax and go to Hogwarts” I said brightly.

Yeah, yeah, talking to yourself out loud is still a sign of insanity, I will have you know.

Oh, joy. You are all back.

Yes, we are. And PUH- LEASE call Vidhyuth.

NO! I am angry with him.

Oh, please. Three fourths of your mind is thinking about him, so just go ahead. Press the call button and we all are in peace.

No. it was wrong of him and i1 cant let him just let go of that.

Well, didn’t it help you?


Don’t shout at your own mind, the sound is actually louder inside.


Okay, people. Lets all shut up. I need peace.

So do I.

Me too.

That’s WHY, call Vidhyuth.

Gah, shut up!

I determinedly blocked my voices and concentrated on Cedric Diggory, and immersed myself into the book. It worked for a while, and I was just about to unblock the voices as they had ceased bugging me to call him, when the door bell rang.

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