When Grandma Visits Turn Into A Lot Of Drama

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“Move over, I am tired” he said and lied down on the bed, throwing his artms over his forehead.

I stared at him. “Hello brother dearest. Oh, you missed me? I missed you too. Wait, you got something for me? Aw, that’s so nice!”

“I know you didn’t miss me, and you know I didn’t miss you too. And whatever I got, you are capable of snooping through my stuff and getting it yourself.”

“You make me sound like a thief” I grumbled. Though I wouldn’t admit this to him for anything in this whole universe, I was actually close to my brother and liked him too. Because Abhinav knew better than anybody; what I could possibly feel during the times I remember our before lives and he knows better than anyone to not tell me ‘its okay’ because it wouldn’t be.

He grinned. another thing I wont admit is that my brother is a LOOKER. And that is not something I will agree to easily, because I am extremely hard to please when it comes to looks. but when you consider how ardently admired my brother was through high school and college and even at his work, you will rethink your views. Yes, I was the sister who had to deliver news of unsatiable infatuation of my brother from various females in his school, I was the girl who had to pass him pink papers of love letters, I was the one who was always buttered up to get to my brother (He and I used to laugh pretty well about that, because we were the only ones who knew the secret that my brother was absolutely impossible to impress and the girls weren’t doing a great job to start with). He had the typical high school life of the Popular kids; the captain of various sports, the popular boy, the Head Boy and the ones whose fandom was widely known. His trademark is his apparently ‘to-die-for’ sexy smirk and his charmingly husky voice which he used to his greatest advantage because he wont all kinds of speaking stuff and was unbeatable in all kinds of Cultural events. If I say Abhinav came out of high school in a blaze of glory I would be understating.

“So, who were you talking to?”

“A person.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that. I thought you were talking to an intangible thing” he said sarcastically.

I glared at him. “I wont tell you.” I said childishly.

He rolled his light brown, almost golden eyes. “Did you take interest in owning a flower shop?”

“What? No, I didn’t.”

“Started campaigning for love for nature and stuff?”

“No, not really, why?”

“Why do you have a flower shop in here?” he demanded.

My cheeks reddened and the note on my side now seemed to glow florescent, almost ready to get into the hands of Abhinav, thus sealing my doom. “I- like flowers.” I said lamely.

“Well, did you get them all for some kind of crazy need to spend money pointlessly?”

“No, I didn’t get them” I mumbled.

He now stared at me suspiciously. “Who did get them then?”

“A person.” We were starting the usual going-in-circles arguments that we were famous for. He was the champ in talking with everyone except me. Due to my always available defensive mechanism and love for arguing, he and I always spent hours just arguing back and forth, mostly coming to a stale mate in the end as our throats will hurt.

“Who is the person?”


“What an interesting name.”

“No, that’s not his name.”

His eyebrow rose. “Oh, it’s a he?”

Shit, my defensive mechanism is becoming rusty.

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