The Ultimate Achievement In My Life And Other Bad Stuff

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Heyy! I know, I know, its been a LOOOOOONG time since I had updated this, but you see, I take my other books to more priority when it comes to updating because I have finished writing this book in paper so I know how it, updating will be a bit slow. Bear with me, people. I hope you will like this! Happy reading!


So, now that I had successfully accomplished the thing I was sent here for, I decided to lay back and stalk Vinay like I was getting paid for it.

Yup. I am that cool.

By now, you might have realized I am kind of self obsessed. But in MY defense, I always believe that self praise is the best praise. And I was making it a point to stay at a safe distance of 10 m from Vidhyuth Chopra so that he wont change my mind and come and tell me that he wont come for the meeting. See how I pre plan everything?

Anyway, now that I had achieved what I came here for, I started to enjoy myself. This party was just GREAT, and I was spending time letting Ella know about every person, and introducing her to people I know. And believe me when I tell you that people were eager to know of her. Words called ‘Davidson’ and ‘daughter’ were enough for her to be Ms. Popular.

‘Well, dear Ella. I introduced you to everyone who has the prospects of making it into the Hot 100 list in almost every magazine. Who stole your approval?”

‘Vinay Chopra’ she said at once.

I nodded, very much pleased with her tastes. “Very good. We are on the same team then.’

‘We could probably wear I heart Vinay Chopra T- shirts.’

“Sweetie, even if the world goes upside down, girls NEVER openly display that they like a guy.’ I said knowledgably.

“But why NOT?’

“Angie, learn it from me. We girls have egos which are bigger that all these guys’ bank balances put together. Take it from me; even if you like a guy who is like a dream, you WONT be able to tell him first. That’s how cool we are.’

‘Is that cool?’ Ella asked uncertainly.

“We take it so, sweetie, or else we will look like we have a disadvantage’ I said wisely.

“Jeez, Sam, you seem to know a lot about these stuff.’ She observed.

‘Yup, girl. I know many girls who are friends of mine who suffer from Cant-tell-a-guy-I-like-him-first phobia.’

She chuckled “God, Sam, you tell the most funniest stuff.’

“They are life facts, baby. Who knows, it might come as useful to you in the future.’ I grinned.

Then you wont even BELIEVE what happened. This great, low and alluring voice from behind said “Wait…I have seen YOU somewhere. Sameera Kapoor right?’

Wait, wait  wait.

I KNOW that voice.

God dammit, I LOVE that voice. I am that voice’s official fan girl!

And the voice KNOWS me?

No, wait, the PERSON who owns the voice KNOWS me.

I slowly turned like a villain in the movie’s climax to find, god bless my AWESOME soul, Vinay Chopra.

Shut the front door. He KNOWS me.

He was smiling at me, giving me the famous bad boy smirk, with a glass of drink in his hand, one hand on his jean’s pocket, while he assessed every expression on my face. Then I remembered the Girl’s golden rule.

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