Fireworks Means Bad Sign, Right?

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So,about 2 weeks ofrest to my injured and poor leg, I was as good as new. Oh, screw as good as, I was just- new. I mean, do you even know that this was my first break, first break since almost 9 months? It was almost as if it was a good thing that I got injured; I was able to be fully rested. I got a lot of care packages and ate a heck lot of cookies and chocolates and on the whole, when I returned to work on a fine Monday morning, I was in great spirits.

Yes, great spirits on a Monday morning. You all read me right. Well, Davidson, the concerned man he is, was actually hesitant to give me work because I was still ‘the patient’. After reassuring him that I was right as rain and his unnecessary concern could be thrown into the trash can, he had told me to talk to this new person and ask him and I quote ‘Why the freaking hell he is damn hesitant to close up on that deal we had talked of so many days ago?’ Our company’s Business Development Manager, Shashank, had recently been given the notice and so, Davidson, as a ‘come back gift’ for me, had made me that too. Well, I was pleased but I could just picture Stella celebrating. Believe me, more than anything, that made my day.

I know, I know, I am an annoying wretch.

I was supposed to meet this businessman, Avinash Mehra in his office and currently that’s where I am heading to. Though Mom had been completely against me to drive, I had agreed to disagree and was speeding away in my car. Come on, rules are made to break, right? So, that’s what I was doing too!

Stella had called me and almost growled at me to be regular and also be charming, because I had the capability of being an arrogant little brat. Poor little Stella doesn’t know I am that charming exclusively to her. I chuckled at the memory as I smoothed down my formal shirt and got out of the car, making my way inside the building.

“Good morning, my name is Sameera Kapoor, and I was given a meeting with Mr. Mehra today” I told the lady in the front desk.

“Oh, yes Ma’am, please go right up.”

“Thank you” I smiled and walked to the elevator. Well, action time, Sam. Be the usual amazing. The first thing I noticed when walking inside the cabin was that it looked amazing- full on glass panels with a brilliant oak desk and great interiors which just lacked Mr. Mehra

“Uh Mr. Mehra?”I called out tentatively.

“And beautiful Ms. Kapoor, as informed, welcome” a low, deep voice called out my name and I turned to see a jaw dropping figure come up to me, with a grin on his face. I shook myself and smiled back as we shook hands. Business men now a days take care to look hot or what? I mean, really!

Dark eyes, dark hair and incredible bone structure. God, where do they make these guys?

“Mr. Mehra, nice to see you.” I smiled again.

“And you, Ms. Kapoor. I have heard a lot of you, actually, from my colleagues, and believe me, they have really not done justice to the fact that you are pretty beyond imagination.”

Oh, god. The flirty types. Pure joy.

If you didn’t note the sarcasm, I tell you, you are stupid.

“Thank you, but unfortunately, the topic of discussion today is definitely not that.”

He grinned, rather smirked as he said . “And feisty. All right, what’s the deal?’

So, for forty five minutes, we talked of what his problems were with sealing the deal, and after m telling that his problems were nothing short of stupid (not in those lines), I decided he was pretty cool and fun. Of course, he flirted in between, but I was  trained in diplomacy. So, it was a piece of cake for me and in the end, he finally agreed to sign that damn deal.

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