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Xiao zhan couldn't help but look around the house, it is beautiful, for him to afford this house, he will have to work for like a decade or maybe more. Yibo dragged xiao zhan to his room, the room was twice bigger than his own.

"Hey yibo, you have such a grand house, why did you rent an apartment?" Zhan was curious to know, xiao zhan will never loose a chance to live in this big beautiful house, yibo who was looking some of his clothes that will fit xiao zhan looked at xiao zhan and chuckled.

"I just wanted to rent an apartment, i have been living in the states since i was little, i came here and haven't finished six months yet." Yibo answered making xiao zhan to nod in understanding.

"After i get married, i want my honeymoon to be in the states." Zhan said excited, yibo didn't answer but kept quite, he is going to remember that, their honeymoon, he will surely take him to the states.

"Get dressed, we will go back to your house and see your mom, I am going to be your boyfriend till she stops the idea of taking you to blind dates."

"Huh?" Zhan was speechless, boyfriend? Which boyfriend, no....no it can't be! How will his friends see him if they saw the man he is pretending to be his boyfriend is wang yibo who is actually an impotent man! His reputation will be destroyed, even if his offer is so tempting because he is so handsome, his reputation will come first before looks.

"Well....no need wang yibo, i will try to find someone else to act as my. ..." Zhan yelped when he was suddenly pulled closer to wang yibo, with how angry wang yibo was at that time, zhan mind stopped functioning within seconds.

"Your not going to find anyone to be your boyfriend, i wang yibo will be your boyfriend and that's final." Yibo stressed each word that has said, with how sharp wang yibo voice was, each word that wang yibo has said pierced in xiao zhan bones and got recorded in his mind, he will forever remember those words.

"O-ok, i understand." Zhan answered and lowered his gaze, he didn't have the courage to look at wang yibo, yibo was satisfied with xiao zhan reply, giving him the clothes that he is going to wear, yibo had xiao zhan to shower, he also went to the next showeroom to freshen up, wang yibo imagining he is going to be introducing himself as xiao zhan boyfriend, the love of his life to xiao zhan mother, he couldn't help himself but hmmed a song a song to himself while showering, he has never been so happy before, and today it will be counted as the happiest day of his life, he knows well as long as xiao zhan mother knows him as xiao zhan boyfriend, zhan mother will not believe so easily, so they will have to do a lot of things to make xiao zhan mom believe that the two are real couples.

He is going to take every chance to make xiao zhan fall for him, he is very serious with xiao zhan, if not he couldn't introduce him to his parents and inform his parents that this man here is the person i want to spend the rest of my life with. He is gong to use every chance he gets to nail it, he dressed causally but it was presentable, he knocked at his room, minutes later zhan opened the door and he was fully dressed, yibos clothes looks good on xiao zhan, he had zhan wear them because they couldn't fit him.

"You look good my bunny." Yibo said with a smile on his face, zhan gave a confused look at the smiling xiao zhan. Even before xiao zhan could speak yibo continued to speak. "Since I am going to be your 'acting' boyfriend,  we should start practising and make it seem real, I am sure your mother will not buy it when you go home and say, 'mom this my boyfriend' and that's it, even an idiot couldn't be fooled."

"Your so smart yibo, your really a keeper, you seem to read the situation very well, I am very lucky to have, if we nail this i don't know how i will repay you." Zhan answered with sincerity, he meant every word that he has said, having wang yibo by his side is something he will forever treasure.

"Having you be with me forever is what i will ask for, just love me." Yibo words made xiao zhan to blush, his heart kept thumbing nonstop.

"Let's get going my dearest boyfriend, my mom must be anxious by now." Zhan and wang yibo walked side by side, xiao zhan hands were wrapped around wang yibo arm, they look very perfect together.

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