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Next day
Xiao zhan woke up not feeling his body, he tried to move but he couldn't move even a limb, his mind is now very clear, whatever happened last night replayed in his mind. That bastard took advantage of him and took away his virginity, the only thing that he kept and treasured for year's!. If he by mistake get pregnant became that idiot didn't use any means of protection, his mother will kill him!. Zhan felt someone else presence behind and he was very sure that must be wang yibo, he really has the nerve to sleep when he has completely destroyed his life and future!.

Zhan collected the little energy that he has and kicked wang yibo whose eye's shot open within seconds. "You still have the nerve to sleep after eating my cherry!" Zhan shouted making wang yibo to try and think what xiao zhan meant, realising he has talking about last night, yibo eye's went wide.

"The feelings was mutual, i did it with your consent, why did you kick me? When you actually enjoyed last night!" Yibo answered with a raised eyebrow, zhan see in the attitude, felt like dismantling every part of wang yibos body and give it to the dogs to have a feast.

"I wasn't in my right senses last night! And you took advantage of me! A whole qualified doctor! Don't you know the importance of using protection!" Yibo covered his ears, now what's wrong with this xiao zhan, everything he does is wrong, he didn't resist in any way last night, he even gladly welcomed him, and now he is complaining!.

"Quit with your drama, you enjoyed everything last night! If you didn't want it to happen, you could have resisted you know, anyway we two are in a relationship and we are going to get engine in two weeks time instead of me getting engaged to that boy, so their's no need for you to worry." Zhan struggled to sit up with great difficulty, his ass is sore, his back will be torn into two any minute, as for his legs, he is sure his nerves are frozen or dead! Because he couldn't feel his legs at all. Managing to sit, zhan jumped on wang yibo and held wang yibo balls.

"Talking about engagement in two weeks time! By then my mother could have already killed me and cremated my body! I am telling you before my mother kills me, i will kill you first!" Zhan whispered yelled, yibo swallowed hard.

"My beautiful wife to be, what your holding now is very important to both of us, please if you let go of my territory, i will do anything that you want." Yibo begged in fear, with how xiao zhan is talking he could see the seriousness in his words, if he is not careful, he will surely make him impotent for real this time.

"Good, we are going to get married right now at the court, if i get pregnant, atleast i will tell my mom that i have a husband who I am legally married to, but if you dared say no, i will first make you impotent for real this time before killing you." Zhan warned wang yibo who immediately nodded his head, he has really fucked his life, falling in love with a crazy and dangerous bunny.

"We will get married as you have said, today." Yibo answered, zhan smiled and released wang yibos vital organ, yibo took care of xiao zhan, helping him shower, dress him up and called a lawyer to get everything prepared, zhan texted his mother and informed him he will tell her some good news after he has returned back home, since they had to have witnesses when the marriage is being officiated, zhan called his two best friends and wang yibo had his closest uncle and aunty attend, he bought rings,  after they were done with breakfast yibo and zhan left.

Wang yibo and xiao zhan signed the marriage certificates, he even put a wedding ring on xiao zhan finger, with xiao zhan doing the same, now the two are officially married, that boy who claims to be wang yibo fiance, he must get his things and go back to where he came from.

"Yibo we thought an engagement was to happen before this, so what happened? Why are you suddenly married?" Yibo aunty asked his nephew, zhan was dragged away by his friends, since he has some questions to answer, what in the world has happened for him to suddenly get married to the impotent man, did wang yibo bewitch their best friend?.

"Aunty, uncle, i almost died in the morning, you two must be thankful because you can now see me well and alive, with the engagement, their will be no engagement but a wedding where i will introduce him to everyone and the whole world, inform my mom of the sudden changes." Yibo answered and approached xiao zhan who was now smiling widely, his eyes fixed on the ring on his finger.

"I will love to see the boy's face after he sees this ring and the news of me already married, legally married to wang yibo, the love of my love and my only man." Zhan whispered, but yibo heard every word that xiao zhan has said, he couldn't help but smile, yibo wrapped his hands around xiao zhan waist and kissed xiao zhan neck.

"I love you my beautiful wife, my only Queen." Yibo whispered in xiao zhan ear, zhan giggled.

"I love you too my handsome husband, my only king." Zhan friends who were nearby didn't know what to say, what the actual fuck has just happened?. Something seems not to be right!.

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